A Curated List of The Citizen’s Coverage in Preparation for Annual Town Meeting ~ UPDATED 26 March

Editor’s Note ~ Sunday, March 27, 2022: This curated list has been updated through Saturday, March 26. It is in sections that aggregate The Citizen’s coverage of the Warrant, Town Meeting Protocol, the Capital Budget, the School Budget, the Fire Station, and the Minuteman Bikeway Extension. If Letters to the Editor were submitted, they follow the relevant section.

About the Warrant ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

Videos to Introduce Each of the Articles on the Warrant for Bedford’s 2022 Annual Town Meeting  March 22, 2022
Finance Committee Recommendations for Annual Town Meeting 2022 ~ Submitted by the Bedford Finance Committee March 18, 2022
A Chronology of The Bedford Citizen’s Annual Town Meeting Coverage  March 18, 2022
Bedford’s Annual Town Report ~ Available Online  March 16, 2022

Annual Town Meeting Protocol ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

It’s Official: Masks are Required for Annual Town Meeting  March 22, 2022
Select Board Votes in Favor of Requiring Masks at Annual Town Meeting  March 8, 2022
Should Face Coverings be Required at March 28 Annual Town Meeting?  February 24, 2022

Annual Town Meeting Protocol ~ Letter

Letter to the Editor: Town Meeting, Masks, and Democracy ~ Submitted by Ann A Kiessling, PhD on March 26, 2022

Finances ~ Capital Budget ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

Select Board Supports $800k for New Financial Software over Capital Expenditure Objection    January 13, 2022
Select Board Contests CapEx Reservations regarding New Financial Software and a Municipal Space Needs Survey  December 29, 2021

Finances ~ Community Preservation Budget ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

Community Preservation Recommends Adding $600,000 to Bolster Housing Trust; Allocates $1.5M to Minuteman Bikeway Extension  January 13, 2022
Community Preservation Committee Proposals ~ Public Hearing on Wednesday, Jan 5 at 7 pm  December 30, 2021

Finances ~ FY 2023 Budget Deliberations ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

FinCom Approves $18.6+ Million FY2023 Budget Including Energy & Sustainability Manager  February 24, 2022
Finance Committee Votes Select Board Budget without Energy & Sustainability Manager  February 17, 2022
Select Board Budget and Energy/Sustainability Manager set for FinCom Review, Thursday, Feb 10  February 9, 2022
Select Board Votes 3:2 in Favor of 2.91 Percent Increase in FY23 Budget ~ Updated  February 1, 2022
FinCom Applauds Proposed School Budget with 3.5% Increase  January 28, 2022
Some Town Services Could be Curtailed under Finance Committee’s 2.5% Growth Guideline  January 27, 2022
Bedford’s FY2023 Budget Challenges Discussed during Saturday Morning Virtual Retreat  January 24, 2022
Town Departments Facing Hard Choices in Proposed 2023 Budget  January 20, 2022
Board of Health Votes $389,541 Budget for Next Year ~ May Seek Salary Boost to Attract Public Health Nurse  December 23, 2021
FinCom Wrestles with FY23 Budget Guidelines  December 14, 2021
FinCom Urges “Go Slow” Approach to Setting Municipal and School Budget Guidelines  December 8, 2021
Select Board Weighs Benefits of Adding Sustainability Director Position  November 26, 2021
Finance Committee Approves First Draft of $44.9 Million FY23 Education Budget  November 23, 2021
Letter to the Editor: Support for a Town Sustainability Director  November 11, 2021

Finances ~ School Budget ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

School Committee Approves 3.5% Budget Increase for FY23 ~ Fincom Review on Thursday  January 26, 2022
FY2023 School Budget: $45 Million ~ Public Hearing, Jan. 25 & FinCom Review, Jan. 27  January 22, 2022
Preliminary $45+ Million Budget Presented to School Committee; Public Hearing Set for Jan. 25  December 28, 2021

Fire Station ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

Bedford’s Fire Fighters and First Responders ~ Skilled at “Making Do” with Inadequate Facilities  March 22, 2022
Jonathan Bacon and 139 The Great Road, the Proposed Site of Bedford’s New Fire Station ~ Submitted by the Bedford Historical Society March 18, 2022
Historic District Commission Discusses 139 The Great Road as a New Home for the Fire Station  March 16, 2022
HDC Hears Pros, Cons of Town’s Plan to Site New Fire Station at 139 The Great Road  March 3, 2022
Select Board Votes 139 The Great Road the Sole Suitable Site for Bedford’s New Fire Station ~ Abutter Engages Legal Counsel  February 15, 2022
Select Board Approves New Fire Station Site Purchase and Sale Agreement, Pending ATM Vote  February 1, 2022
UPDATE: Bedford Select Board to Vote to Move Forward with New Fire Station Project  January 27, 2022

Fire Station ~ Letters

Letter to the Editor: How Big is a Fire Station?  ~ Submitted by Don Corey on March 25, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Questioning the Historic Importance of  139 The Great Road ~ Submitted by Ken Larson on March 25, 2022
A Statement from Bedford’s Historic District Commission for Annual Town Meeting  ~ Submitted by the Historic District Commission on March 24, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Fire Station Clarity Needed ~ Submitted by Terry Gleason on March 23, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Support for Locating Bedford’s New Fire Station at 139 The Great Road ~ Submitted by Adam Schwartz on March 21, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Regarding a Location for a New Fire Station ~ Submitted by John Stella on March 19, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Regarding the HDC Discussion of a New Home for the Fire Station ~ Submitted by Barbara Hitchcock on March 19, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Regarding the Location of a New Fire Station ~ Submitted by Jan van Steenwijk on March 18, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Calling for Public Discussion on Location of a New Fire Station ~ Submitted by Peter Grey on March 17, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Regarding 139 The Great Road and Options for a New Fire Station ~ Submitted by  David Trigg on March 16, 2022

Minuteman Bikeway ~ The Citizen’s Coverage

UPDATE: Article 11 Minuteman Bikeway Extension ~ Background from the Town of Bedford Website  March 21, 2022
Town Meeting to Vote on $1.5M for Easements to Extend Minuteman Bikeway to Concord Line  March 18, 2022

Minuteman Bikeway ~ Letters

Letter to the Editor: The Value of a Truly Accessible Path ~ Submitted by Leah Devereaux, she/her on March 26, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Bedford Should Uphold Its Commitments ~ Submitted by Erin Sandler-Rathe on March 26, 2022
Letter to the Editor: In Support of Minuteman Bikeway Extension ~ Submitted by Mark Bailey and 49 others * on March 25, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Finding Pleasure in Biking on a Natural Path ~ Submitted by Mario Mendes on March 24, 2022
Letter to the Editor: A Recommendation to Preserve the Dirt Path ~ Submitted by Laura Wallace on March 24, 2022
Letter to the Editor: Leave the Reformatory Branch Natural ~ Submitted by Julie Brill on March 23, 2022
Letter to the Editor: An Unpaved Trail is Healthier for Runners ~ Submitted by Robin Steele on March 23, 2022

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