
The Bedford Citizen polls are posted most Fridays and run for a week. Cookies and IP addresses are used only reduce multiple voting. Thank you for playing along!

What’s Bedford Thinking about less snow in the winter?  

  • I don’t miss snow at all (34%, 74 Votes)
  • Just a couple of big storms would be nice (33%, 73 Votes)
  • I miss the snowy winters of the past (33%, 73 Votes)

Total Voters: 220

Start Date: February 9, 2024 @ 3:31 pm
End Date: February 16, 2024 @ 3:31 pm

What’s Bedford Thinking - Who are you rooting for in the Super Bowl?

  • A device has yet to be invented that will measure the depth of my indifference (43%, 84 Votes)
  • Kansas City Chiefs (35%, 68 Votes)
  • San Francisco Forty Niners (22%, 44 Votes)

Total Voters: 196

Start Date: February 2, 2024 @ 1:24 pm
End Date: February 9, 2024 @ 2:24 pm

What’s Bedford Thinking about ads in your streaming service?

  • I don’t subscribe to any streaming services (30%, 43 Votes)
  • I will live with the ads (29%, 42 Votes)
  • I will pay more for some of the services to be ad free but not all (17%, 24 Votes)
  • I will go ahead and pay more to get rid of the ads (12%, 17 Votes)
  • I will cancel some streaming services (12%, 17 Votes)

Total Voters: 143

Start Date: January 26, 2024 @ 1:48 pm
End Date: February 2, 2024 @ 1:48 pm

What’s Bedford Thinking? In the last 12 months, have you watched a DVD or Blu-ray disc?

  • No (56%, 100 Votes)
  • Yes (44%, 77 Votes)

Total Voters: 177

Start Date: January 19, 2024 @ 1:29 pm
End Date: January 26, 2024 @ 4:29 pm

So What’s Bedford Thinking about Bill Belichick’s firing?

  • I don't give a large rodent's behind about it. (44%, 78 Votes)
  • I think it was the right move. (38%, 68 Votes)
  • I think it was a mistake. (18%, 33 Votes)

Total Voters: 179

Start Date: January 12, 2024 @ 10:11 am
End Date: January 19, 2024 @ 1:11 pm

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