Letter to the Editor: In Support of Minuteman Bikeway Extension

~ Submitted by Mark Bailey and 48 others *

Here are four great reasons why we believe the Minuteman Bikeway Extension project is good for Bedford:

  1. Safety: Increases Safety for students riding and walking along Railroad Ave to school and dramatically improves safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers at the Route 62 crossing.
  2. Connection: Connects Bedford’s neighborhoods with a robust network of infrastructure to make the town more walkable and bikeable. Connects neighbors to neighbors, workers to their jobs, and kids to their schools and playing fields, and provides ways for more people of all ages to get and stay active. Strengthens Bedford’s position in the growing regional network of infrastructure.
  3. Natural Beauty: The project expands accessibility of outdoor recreation and active transit to users of all ages and abilities, including seniors, walkers, scooters, and wheelchairs, and supports use of the trail for more of the year. Expands access to Bedford conservation areas and to Great Meadows. This will still be a path through quiet woods despite the need to clear some trees from the elevation. It will still be a great resource for Cross Country teams.
  4. Traffic reduction: Over 22,000 cars per day pass through Bedford center. Paving the Bikeway gives more commuters in Bedford and further West an option other than driving or having to risk their safety and irritate drivers on Route 62. In general, expanding the network of trail infrastructure will improve the quality of life for all residents by reducing traffic congestion.

Since its inception over 25 years ago, the Minuteman Bikeway has been a tremendous asset to Bedford, bringing thousands of bikers and walkers and providing recreational and commuting options for residents and businesses. Continuing to bring in recreational users from outside Bedford will also provide benefits to local businesses as well. We encourage Town Meeting to approve Articles 6 and 11 to stay the course and expand the Bikeway’s benefits to an even greater number of people.

~ Submitted by Mark Bailey and 48 others: Scot Shaw, Heather Black, Shawn Hanegan, Moriah Tumbleson-Shaw, Seth Cargiuolo, Gina Cargiuolo, Samantha Baron, Jason Baron, Anthony Melfi, Jennifer McClain, Regina Melfi, Amy Lloyd, Sandy Currier, Rosie Brennan, Matt Brennan, Chris Gittins, Stacy Chandler, Peter Weichman, Benjamin Bennett, Christine Bennett, Catherine Van Praagh, Andrew Van Praagh, Carla Bradford, Joan Turnberg, Joel Parks, Paul Bradford, Marge Heckman, Maureen Richichi, Frank Richichi, Dawn LaFrance-Linden, Anne Caron, David Caron, Michael Barbehenn, Jacinda Barbehenn, Terry Gleason, Laurie Gleason, Kelly Korenak, Bill Knox, Emily Prince, Sandra Hackman, Deborah Bodeau, Bob Fagan, Michelle Kahan, Carol Rogers, Martin Rogers, Peter Moss, Ali Hon-Anderson, and Nancy RA Wolk.

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Gail Hoben
March 26, 2022 12:37 pm

Beg to differ. 1. Is questionable, 2. Already exists,… getting another ‘check box’ on some list isn’t worth taking away the current path from current residents, 3. It’s natural now, 4. Is not going to change the towns traffic issues- nobody is gonna commute on that path

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