What Happens when Covid is No Longer an Excuse?

January 19, 2022

~ Submitted by the Bedford Scallion

I know we are in the middle of the omicron surge, with case numbers at an all-time high.   But, if you look r e a l l y  hard, there are small signs that things will get better soon.  I’m not an epidemiologist but there does seem to be some reason to be hopeful.   

The government is gearing up to send us all supplies for testing and masking. They should arrive in a month or so; if this is not a sure sign that the pandemic will be over before then, what is? 

Even if normal comes later instead of sooner, it will come.  So, what are you going to use as an excuse once it’s all behind us?  

For the last two years, we had a bonafide excuse for pretty much anything we didn’t want to do.  

Exercise?  Dieting? In a pandemic? I’m reminded of the movie “Airplane.” “Looks like I picked a bad time to stop smoking…”  The last two years have been a bad time to do….fill in the blank.  Is it possible to floss in a pandemic?  I don’t think so.  All those bad habits you try to keep a lid on are just about to spill over.

So what do we do when it’s over?  What do you do when so-so “friends” who you haven’t seen for two years call and want to get together?  In-laws? Colonoscopies? Root canals? 3rd-grade band concerts, recorder recitals, the list goes on.

I don’t have an answer – just prepare.


Editor’s Note: The Scallion is a lighthearted attempt to poke gentle fun at ourselves.  It’s satire and not to be taken too seriously.




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K Griffith
January 21, 2022 7:19 am

One of the comments above talks about living with a high risk family member. That statement is very true. Some days I am relaxed and making the best of the situation. Some days I feel like the bottom is going to drop out. I walk a mile with my dogs everyday. This winter with all the snow and ice I find myself saying too dangerous – what if I fall? Who will take care of my family member – what if I have to go to hospital. Looking back over the last 2 years I find I have been doing that everyday assessing everyday risk. I hope that hasn’t changed my spontaneous personality forever. I don’t think it was excuses it’s reality.

January 20, 2022 7:49 am

Very good!! Haha. 🤓

Peggy Lundgren
January 19, 2022 11:43 pm

Hi there,
The article is fine but I don’t live the title. Covid is not an excuse as it’s a reality and for people who have high risk persons in their family, a nightmare. So maybe instead of focusing on all we’ve missed, we should be grateful we live in an area where people more or less follow the rules.
Human nature seeks two basic things before it can worry about others: safety and connection. Those of us who have to careful are missing both.

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