Everything You Need to Know ~ Annual Town Meeting Begins at 9 am on Saturday, May 15

One of The Bedford Citizen’s central missions is community engagement in town government, and there’s nothing more central than Open Town Meeting. It’s democracy in action: one resident, one vote.  Each of the Warrant Articles will be decided, by residents’ votes, beginning at 9 am on Saturday when we gather as a town on Sabourin Field.

The Citizen’s writers began covering relevant meetings in January and continued through two Letters to the Editor that posted on Thursday, May 13.

The Annual Town Meeting Warrant was mailed to each household, and is available online on the Town’s website, along with a link to each presentation that will be made during the meeting, and additional information about Annual Town Meeting.

The Bedford Citizen has posted more than 40 articles, categorized below for easy reference.

4 May  2021   Bedford Explained: Bedford’s Annual Town Meeting
6 May  2021   Put me in  Coach ~ Annual Town Meeting and Baseball
7 May  2021   A First-Timer Experienced a Sense of Power at Annual Town Meeting
7 May  2021   Are You In?  Are You Going to The Annual Town Meeting?
8 May  2021   Each Annual Town Meeting Warrant Article Has its Own Descriptive Video Link!
11 May  2021   Annual Town Meeting  2021 ~ A Glossary of Important Words and Terms

21 April  2021   2020 Town Report and 2021 Town Meeting Warrant are Available Online
7 May  2021   Annual Town Meeting for People with Mobility Issues

29 January  2021   Bylaw Changes Reviewed by Select Board in Preparation for Annual Town Meeting
24 March  2021   Select Board Votes on Recommendations For Town Meeting Warrant Articles
24 March  2021   Planning Board Reviews Police Station Expansion
23 April  2021   COA Board Lends Support of Three Warrant Articles – COA Board Meeting Recap – April 13  2021
6 May  2021   League of Women Voters Hosts Warrant Review
11 May  2021   Letter to the Editor: Warrant Article 31 ~ Add BARC  the Bedford Arbor Resources Committee  to the Town’s List of Official By-Law Committees

29 January  2021   FY22 School Committee Budget ~ Public Hearing: Tuesday  Feb. 2 FinCom Review: Thursday  Feb. 4
27 February  2021   FinCom Approves ‘Pandemic’ Spending for Schools; Discusses Funding for FY2022 Budget
9 March  2021   FinCom Agrees to Tap Stabilization Fund to Cover Extraordinary School Expenses
8 May  2021   Bedford Annual Town Meeting 2021 Finance Committee Warrant Recommendations
5 May  2021   Town’s Triple-A Bond Rating Reaffirmed by S&P Global
10 May  2021   Schools Set to Receive $385 000+  in Federal Aid for Coronavirus Relief

5 May  2021   Town Meeting Will Consider Proposal to Rehabilitate Shawsheen Road Wells
10 May  2021   Warrant Article 20 ~ Expand and Remodel the Bedford Police Station
10 May  2021   Warrant Article 19: Improvements for the Intersection of North and Chelmsford Roads
12 May  2021   Warrant Article 21: Library HVAC System to Help Town Meet Net Zero Goals Needs Two-Third Majority

28 January  2021   Residents Query Planning Board on “Overlay District” Zoning Bylaw Amendment
2 February  2021   Residents Question Planning Board on Proposed ADU Zoning Bylaw Amendment
11 February  2021   Planning Board Finalizes ADU Zoning Bylaw Amendment
12 May  2021   Letter to the Editor: Warrant Articles Art 25 and 26 ~ Assisted Living Overlay District
10 May  2021   Warrant Articles Address Zoning Issues: Accessory Dwelling Units  Assisted Living Proposals  and Site Plan Approval

11 January  2021   Virtual Public Hearing to Consider the Community Preservation Committee’s FY22 Proposals
11 January  2021   Community Preservation Committee Chair Fields Innovative Affordable Housing Proposals
19 January  2021   Community Preservation Committee ~ A Public Hearing on the FY22 Budget
12 May  2021   Letter to the Editor: Relocating the Bedford Historical Society to Old Town Hall
13 May 2021   Letter to the Editor: Opposing Change of Name of Columbus Day
13 May 2021   Letter to the Editor: The Relocation of Bedford TV and the Bedford Historical Society Needs an Integrated Plan

22 January  2021   Select Board Votes to Place Indigenous People’s Day on the 2021 Town Meeting Warrant
13 April  2021   Letter to the Editor: In Support of Columbus Day
22 April  2021   Letter to the Editor: Supporting Indigenous Peoples Day
28 April  2021   School Committee Endorses Indigenous People’s Day Proposal
28 April  2021   Letter to the Editor: The Origins of Columbus Day
1 May  2021   Letter to the Editor: Opposing Name Change of Columbus Day
5 May  2021   Letter to the Editor: Supporting Article 34  Indigenous Peoples Day
7 May  2021   Letter to the Editor: In Support of Indigenous Peoples Day   from a Parent of Young Children

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Alethea Yates
May 13, 2021 9:43 pm

It’s important to note that this the procedures for meeting will be different from the usual Town Meeting process. In order to get a lot done quickly, the articles won’t be read aloud, and there will be no presentations. It’s vitally important to read the warrant and view the presentations ahead of time.

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