Honorable Mentions

By Ginni Spencer, President, The Bedford Citizen

Memorial Day and Father’s Day/Mother’s Day, birthdays and anniversaries, and on and on.  So many events in our lives for which we seek to show our love for the people we care about and our respect for the example they set.  We don’t want our gifts to be trivial but it can be hard to come up with unique and meaningful ways to express our feelings.

Here’s a suggestion:  celebrate someone you care about by making a donation to The Bedford Citizen on their behalf.  Is Dad or Mom a long-time volunteer in Bedford?  Do you have a wonderful neighbor who has made your life in Bedford richer by being there for you?  Perhaps you’d like to recognize a local teacher who inspired you or your children or grandchildren.  Or maybe you just want to say happy birthday or happy anniversary to someone special.  If the person you’d like to honor would appreciate a gift that reflects a commitment to Bedford and the importance of civic engagement, we will list his or her name and those of the donors in The Citizen

Memorial donations can also be made through The Bedford Citizen if you are seeking a way to recognize someone who has passed away.  The Citizen recently received donations in memory of Richard Bowen, a long-time resident and local official who died in January.  His family told us: “When [we] considered suggestions for memorial gifts in Rich’s honor, we focused on three places he loved – Bedford, Trinity Church, and Acadia National Park.  Within Bedford, we chose The Bedford Citizen because it best reflected his commitment to the importance of civic engagement within the community that had been his home for 47 years.”

The Citizen is pleased to help you honor the important people in your life.  You can make your donation by sending a check to The Bedford Citizen, PO Box 212, Bedford, MA, along with the name of the person you would like to recognize.  Remember: The Bedford Citizen is a 501(c)3 corporation and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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