Winter at Last, Bedford! Is This Going to be the “End of the World”? Don’t Bet on It!

February 7, 2013

By Peter Collins Brown, The Bedford Citizen’s Weatherman

Bedford houses hid behind snowbanks in February, 2011
Bedford houses hid behind snowbanks in February, 2011  –  Image (c) JMcCT, 2011

Yes, Bedford, it seems as though our nearly snow-free winter is about to come to an end—and in spectacular fashion if the television meteorologists are to be believed. As of the morning of February 6, Bedford has seen only about 8 inches of snow thus far this season.

Hmmm. . .February 6—that date sounds familiar. It seems only appropriate for a large snowstorm to be barreling towards New England during this of all weeks. Not only is Bedford facing a blow from our first winter nor’easter in over two years, but our town also is remembering the events that took place this week 35 years ago.

Most Bedfordites still clearly remember the events of February 6-7, 1978, the snowstorm by which all subsequent New England winter storms would be measured. Hurricane force winds accompanied by snowfall rates of 4 inches per hour were battering Bedford at this time 35 years ago, when Bedford received approximately 26 inches of snow over the course of nearly 33 hours of continuous, moderate-to-heavy snowfall. Matters were not helped any by the fact that a large snowstorm had hit the area January 20-21, accompanied by bone-chilling air. Plus, analogous to what occurred in Bedford during January, 2011, additional frigid air was swept into the area behind the Blizzard of ’78, allowing for snow drifts that were up to second-story windows in buildings across our area—many of which did not melt until spring arrived. Although your humble weatherman was not alive yet, I have been told many a tale of the storm by my mother and grandparents. No school for weeks; no cars allowed on roads for days; entire seacoast neighborhoods destroyed by high tides; taking a school bus to work in Boston through city streets because highways  were clogged by snowdrifts and abandoned vehicles! With our relatively mild and snow-free winters as of late, it is hard to imagine that Bedford and the Boston-area at large could have looked like that. Now, with a large snowstorm in our forecast for this weekend, could Bedford experience the same conditions? Yes and no!

This year, as of noontime on February 6, most forecasters were still grappling with how much snow might fall here in Bedford. With only 48 hours until the predicted start of the snow, it seems as though this should have been ironed out by then. As with the Blizzard of ’78, two storms are expected to combine to form our Friday snowstorm. However, with forecasting track records that haven’t been so good, it is it difficult even for me to believe the amounts that are being shown on weather maps.

One thing is certain—Bedford will see snow this Friday. As in 1978, many Bedfordites have learned to seldom trust on-air forecasters due to their propensity for giving grossly inaccurate forecasts. If you recall,  one evening this past January, we were supposed to receive 5 to 8 inches of snow. Bedford and the Boston area received only flurries. Anyone who saw the radar that day would have been able to forecast ”no snow” with great ease. Now, forecasters on many networks seem to be stirring up a sense of panic among the public. We know that Bedford can be prone to large snowstorms, and we have seen our share of them in the past. As long as the public does not “go crazy” preparing for the “end of the world,” Bedfordites will be well-prepared for whatever Old Man Winter throws at us.

This sense of craze is the only thing that could turn the area into a 1978-like scene. However, we should know better as Bedfordites and New Englanders. For now, Bedford, expect gusty east-northeast winds with snowfall starting late Friday morning that should total 8 to 12 inches by Saturday morning. But, just in case the world does end on Friday night or Saturday morning, there is still plenty of time to pick up those extra 20 gallons of milk and 50 loaves of bread !

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February 7, 2013 12:24 pm

Sometimes I think the newscasters and weather forecasters make every storm sound like the end of the world. It’s just snow. We’ve lived with snow for years. Even if we get 24 inches of snow, the town does own plows and it seems that every single truck from pickup on up has a plow blade ready to rush out and make money. I mean plow snow. Most people have enough food to last for several days. Monday they predict temperatures up to 40. If you’ve lived here for a while you should have snow shovels, boots, gloves, some food stocked, and plans for how to deal with the snow. It’s not like snow demons will arise from the snow and invade your house and murder you.

February 8, 2013 1:21 am

Couldn’t agree with you more, Thomas. We’ll be in and out of this in a matter of a day, although the only thing that gives me cause for concern is the Town’s tendency to lose power.

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