What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Special Town Meeting

A Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11 in the Bedford High School auditorium, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

The Warrant for the Special Town Meeting is available by clicking here.

Presentations and Additional Material

People can see the full slideshow (subject to change) on Special Town Meeting presentations in advance by clicking here. Please note that the slideshow is subject to change before June 11.

Article 1 Debate Rules 

Article 2 – Tax Increment Financing Agreement with Systems & Technology Research LLC (STR)

To determine whether the Town will vote, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40, Section 59, and Chapter 23A, Sections 3A through 3F, and the applicable regulations thereunder, to: (a) approve a Tax Increment Financing Agreement (“TIF Agreement”) among the Town, Systems & Technology Research LLC d/b/a STR, and Cole of Bedford, MA LLC for properties shown on Assessors Map 012, Lot 17, Sub Lot 3 and Sub Lot 4, which TIF Agreement provides for real estate and personal property tax exemptions at the exemption rate schedule set forth therein; and (b) authorize the Select Board to execute the TIF Agreement, and any documents related thereto, and to approve submission to the Massachusetts Economic Assistance Coordinating Council (EACC) of the TIF Agreement, and any documents related thereto, and related submissions, and to take such other actions as necessary or appropriate to implement those documents, and carry out the purposes of this article; and (c) take any other action relative thereto. 

Explanation: This article would authorize a Tax Increment Financing Agreement for the planned relocation of STR headquarters to 174 and 176 Middlesex Turnpike, owned by Cole of Bedford, MA LLC. The agreement would permit the short-term reduction of the new property taxes generated from the redevelopment of the existing office buildings into a combination of classified lab space and offices for the company’s corporate headquarters. 

The tax reduction would not be permanent. The redevelopment adds value to the Town’s commercial/industrial tax base. 

Overall, the Town would benefit by receiving increased property tax revenue from the redevelopment. 

  • This article requires a simple majority vote of approval.
  • An Information Summary provided by STR is available by clicking here.

Article 3 – New Fire Station Construction

To determine whether the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or borrow the sum of $32,000,000, or any other sum, to fund the construction of a new fire station at 139 The Great Road, including all costs associated and incidental relative thereto, including but not limited to design, site work, utility connections, traffic improvements, construction, and equipment, and further to authorize the Treasurer with the approval of the Select Board to borrow all or a portion of said sum under the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c.44, or any other enabling authority; or to pass any vote or take any action relative thereto. 

Explanation: This article will provide funds for the construction of a new fire station at 139 The Great Road, including all costs associated with the construction. 

The debt service for this project will be funded within the town’s existing levy limit. The town intends to use short-term borrowing during the construction phase and will likely move to permanently borrow the full construction cost upon project completion. 

Article 4 – Transfer to Finance Committee Reserve Fund

To determine whether the Town will vote to transfer a sum of $500,000, or any other sum, from surplus revenue to the Finance Committee Reserve Fund for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2023; or pass any vote or take any action relative thereto. 

Explanation: This article allows for the transfer from “free cash” of a sum of money to the Finance Committee Reserve Fund to cover unanticipated and unbudgeted expenses in Fiscal Year 2024. Any unused funding will revert to “free cash.” 

  • This article requires a simple majority vote of approval.

Reaching Town Officials

To reach town officials, you can find the directory at Staff Directory • Bedford, MA • CivicEngage (bedfordma.gov)

  1. Town Moderator David Powell: [email protected] 
  2. Town Manager: Email Town Manager’s Office
  • Physical Address: 10 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 01730 
  • Phone: 781-275-1111
  • Fax: 781-275-6310


Learn more:

Additional Information:

Link to Recent Bedford Citizen Stories:

  • Next Tuesday’s Special Town Meeting vote on a $32 million bond to finance a fire station will be the decisive decision on the future of the project.
  • The Town of Bedford will net $2.94 million in revenue if Special Town Meeting approves a 10-year tax increment financing (TIF) plan leading to the relocation of an expanding company to a vacant office campus.
  • The Bedford Select Board agreed that if Special Town Meeting approves the $32 million bond for a fire station, the payment will be absorbed within the tax levy limits of Proposition 2½.
  • The June 11 Bedford Special Town Meeting warrant is expected to include a $500,000 jolt to the Finance Committee reserve fund to cover a projected deficit in the current school budget.
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