Letter to the Editor: Thanks to Those Who Commented on Environmental Impact of Hangar Expansion

Submitted by Corinne Doud

On behalf of Bedford Mothers Out Front, I thank all who submitted public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) on the proposed massive hangar expansion for private jets at Hanscom Field. Mothers Out Front is an organization working toward a livable and equitable climate for all children and has partnered with the Coalition (StopPrivateJetExpansion.org) to stop private jet expansion.

Special thanks to State Rep. Gordon for his strong Public Comment Letter that he sent jointly with State Representatives Simon Cataldo, Michelle Ciccolo, Carmine Gentile, and Alice Peisch. The letter pointed out misleading claims and significant omissions on the proposed development plan. Thank you Rep. Gordon for your leadership and the work you do to protect our climate!

We also thank Senator Barrett who has come out strongly against Massport’s proposed Hanscom Field expansion for private jets. As the devastating impact of climate change gets worse, it is good to know our state legislators are fighting to protect our climate.

Kudos to the Bedford boards and committees who voiced their concerns against the proponent’s plan for the Hanscom Field expansion for private jets. The Bedford Select Board submitted This Public Comment, also signed by the Bedford:

Town Manager Office
Department of Public Works
Planning Department
Fire Department
Code Enforcement Department
Health & Human Services Department
Housing & Economic Development Department

The Bedford Board of Health submitted both This Public Comment highlighting health impacts, and This Joint Public Comment with the Concord, Lincoln, and Lexington Boards of Health. The Bedford Energy & Sustainability Committee submitted This Public Comment highlighting their concerns.

Bedford Mothers Out Front thanks our state legislators, Bedford town boards and committees, and the many individuals who spoke out against the proponent’s development plan for a 50-acre expansion of new hangars for private jets. Private jets are the most polluting form of travel per passenger mile for their carbon footprint, and this proposed expansion would result in hundreds of thousands of additional greenhouse gas emissions in opposition to the climate goals that our towns, cities, and state have set forth.  Massport continues to operate on the outdated and dangerous belief that aviation must grow at all costs, endlessly into the future. This is a policy our climate cannot afford.The fight against private jet expansion is not a sprint, but a marathon. Please sign and share the Governor’s Petition and  National Trust’s petition to oppose private jet expansion.

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The opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer, not The Bedford Citizen.

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Patty Dahlgren
June 24, 2024 11:59 pm

Corinne it takes a village! Great letter celebrating the hard work of so many. Together, we can.

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