What’s Bedford Thinking? Tipping – Is it out of Hand? 

April 5, 2024

A recent Pew Research report found: A broad majority of Americans say they’re being asked to tip service workers more frequently than in the past. Around 7-in-10 U.S. adults (72 percent) say tipping is expected in more places today than it was five years ago, a finding that tracks with anecdotal reporting and has even been dubbed “tipflation.”  

I would argue that the way people pay now with the POS (Point of Sale) technology options that allow companies to suggest a tip has a lot to do with it. It feels wrong to tap “No Tip” in the options menu, even when picking up takeout. I never used to tip for takeout.  

Tipping is an important part of workers’ wages. I remember reading the book “Nickel and Dimedby Barbara Ehrenreich-that I call the most expensive book I ever read. The book emphasizes how critical tipping is for low wage workers, and we have been over-tipping ever since.   

What’s Bedford Thinking about tipping?

Do you think tipping culture has gotten out of control?

  • Yes (83%, 171 Votes)
  • No (17%, 36 Votes)

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Richard D Punko
April 5, 2024 9:52 pm

food workers are some of the lowest paid people. i am always to tip them to show my appreciation!

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