What’s Bedford Thinking?  DVD’s & Blu-Ray

January 19, 2024

In December, PBS is all about fundraising. Often the “Thank You Gift” for donating is your favorite show or series on DVD or Blu-ray. PBS has been doing this for years, and people have many series on DVD because of it.

One question people may be asking is why does PBS still offer DVDs/Blu-ray as an incentive to donate?  Does anyone still watch DVDs or Blu-Ray? Do people still use or even own a DVD player?

DVDs are dropping in popularity worldwide.

What’s Bedford Thinking? In the last 12 months, have you watched a DVD or Blu-ray disc?

  • No (56%, 100 Votes)
  • Yes (44%, 77 Votes)

Total Voters: 177

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Matthew Agen
January 21, 2024 7:13 am

If you want to watch or listen to something 5 years or more from now, best to get it on physical media. “Owning” something that relies on a server somewhere is not really owning it.

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