Donors Make a Difference!

January 24, 2024

We extend our deepest thanks to all the people and companies who supported The Bedford Citizen during November and December. With your help, we raised more than $35,000 during the NewsMatch campaign.

The Bedford Citizen brings local news to your virtual doorstep, but we cannot do it alone. Bringing the news of Bedford to the community would not be possible without the support of all of our donors, readers, volunteers, board members, and writers. Your generosity helps us fulfill our mission to inform and engage the Bedford community. 

November and December Donors

Matthew and Leah Adams, Matthew and Jeana Agen, William Aiken, Neil Akiyama, Barbara and Joseph Albaro, Barbara Allan (in honor of local news coverage), Betsey Anderson, Sara Angus, Christine Annese, Jan Anthony (in memory of John & Georgia Huenefeld), Mary Archer, Nancy Asbedian.

Judith and Robert Babcock, Michael and Florence Bahtiarian, Sandy Baker, Laurel Baker, Louise Banner, Jacinda Barbehenn, Michael Barrett, Marilou Barsam and Sarah Thompson, Ginny and Frank Baudanza, David and Jean Baxter, Lisa and Glenn Baylis, Alisa Bell, Dot Bergin, Neil Berman, Margaret Berman, Anne Bickford and Allen Marshall, Nancy Bilafer, Carol and Steven Bittenson, Dotty Blake, Nini Bloch, Alyssa Boehm, Joan Bowen, Meg Bowman, Virginia and Colin Bradford, Wayne Braverman and Kathleen Benjamin, Martha Brill, Paul Broder and Susan Wieczorek, Rebecca Brown, Bea Brunkhorst, Laura Bullock, Maureen Bussey.

Christine Caetano, James Cameron, Susan Campos, Robert Ted Carlson, Irma Carter, Lennox Chase (in honor of Irene Parker), Allan and Marcia Chertok, Veronica Chester, Virginia Chick, Marty Childs, Padma Choudry, Paul and Wendy Ciaccia, Mark Cieplinski, Chris Colao, Angelo and Gabriele Colao, Angelo Colasante, Jean Colbath, Nancy Colburn, Janet Connell, John and Ellen Conway, Shaun Costello, Elizabeth Coules, Mary Criscione, Virginia Crocker, Mike Culhane, Randi and Sandy Currier, Sharon Cutter.

Ruth D’Ambra, David and Jennifer Dalrymple, Joseph Damery, Stephanie Davidson, Susan Davis, Delton Davison, Bruce and Anne Dawson, Arlene Deardorff, Jeff Dearing, Jude Dehart, Daryl and Colleen Desmond, Joan DiClemente, Marilyn DiNapoli, Lyn Dohaney, Doherty Family, Peter and Cynthia Donahue, Jack Donohue and Susan Grieb, Margaret Donovan, Robert and Sarah Dorer, Erin Dorr, Corinne and Bob Doud, E. Downey, Nancy and Robert Downs, Elizabeth Doyle, Mary Drake, Gladys Drohan, Robert Dutton, Randall Dwyer.

Jacqueline Edwards, Karen and Stephen Ela, Suzy and Dave Enos, Joe and Mary Lou Esposito.

Barbara and Robert Fanelli, Rita Fardy, Betsy Farr Cogliano, William Feiring, Gary Feldman, Jonathan Fienup, Diana Finer and Judith Curcio, Carrie Finestone, John Fisher, Laura Fisher, Aaron Fleet, Sandra Flewelling, William Fossey, Debbie Franks and Sam Reynolds, Karen Frederick, Laurel Freeberg, Carolyn Frost.

Bobby Galani, Carrie Gale, Joe Gallagher, Kerri Garbus, Lema Gaul, Adele Germain, Frank and Joan Gicca, Paula Gilarde, Raya Gildor, Christopher Gittins and Stacy Chandler, Sue Giurleo, Terry and Laurie Gleason, Donna Glomski, Joanne Glover, Lora Goldenberg and Bruce Murphy, Marv and Kathy Goldschmitt, David Goodman (in memory of Dolly Sadow), Tara and Jeremy Goss, Carole and Clive Grainger, Ed and Judith Gray, Deborah Griffin, Richard and Norma Grimm, Joshua Grossman, Ann Guay.

The Hacala Family, Sandra Hackman and Kenneth Prescott, Marc Hamilton, Rich and Wendy Hamilton, Ralph and Jean Hammond, David Hansen, Lisa and Damon Harrell, John and Susan Harris, Marcia Harris, Eleanor Hartley, Molly Haskell, Rose Hawkes, Bill and Cindy Haynes, Juanita and Alfred Healy, Barbara Heggestad, Jenn Heller, Asha Henderson, Sarah Henry, Paul and Nancy Hezel, Claire Higson, Barbara Hitchcock and Jan van Steenwijk, Linda Hocker, Myle and Dana Holley, Ali Hon-Anderson, Ruth Hopkinson, Gerald Howell, Hui-Hwa Hsu and Mei Ling Khoo, Amanda Hubbard, Janet and Eric Humphrey, Ellen Hurley, Mary and James Hurley, Linda and Norman Hursh.

Robert Iwany and Donna McKnight-Iwany.

Craig and Margaret Jackson, Valerie and Mark Jacobs, Jeremy Jeffers, Diane Jenkins, Mayland Jew, Peter and Carol Johnson, Paula Judge.

Laura Kalb, Mercedes Kane, Brenda Kelly and Alan Nelson, Bonnie and James Kelly, Carol Kelly, Ruby and Steve Kennedy, June Kern, Larry Kernan, William and Sarah Kessel, Gretchen Kind, Lee Beth King, Thomas Kipp, Carolyn Kirk, Daniel Klein, Mary and Robert Klein, Steven and Gina Kolak, Patricia Konkle, Kelly Korenak and Vatte Pattaropong, Roy and Shirley Kring, Sasi Krishnan, Carol and Richard Krusemark, Sze-Wen Kuo and Victor Tom.

Sarah and Justin Lacroix, John Laferriere, Annette Lamb, Michael Lane (in honor of his mother, Betty Lane), Linda Langone, Christopher and Kimberlee Langway, Tom and Anne Larkin, Christopher Lennon, Kathleen Leonard, Marc Levetin, Dianne Levine, John Linz, Judy and Stu Liss, Ben Littauer.

Min Ma, Eleanor MacPhee, Alan MacRobert and Abby Hafer, Annalisa Madison, Harvey Malchow, Roy and Sylvia Mallory, Richard Manley and Jeannette Pothier, James and Susan Marasa, Niesje Marcley, Kim and Chris Marino, Dianne Marston, Sara Mattes (in honor of Mike Rosenberg), Claire and Jim Maxon, Nancy Maxwell, Richard Mazow, Michael and Margaret McAllister, Richard McAndrew, Garth McCavana and Constance Marina, Brian McCay, Sharon and Bob McClatchey, Christine McCollem (in memory of Ron McCollem), Meredith McCulloch, Myles and Marian McDonough, Phyllis McGovern, Donald McGowan, Neil and Deborah McKenna, Rana McLaughlin, Alyce and Alan McLaughlin, Curtis McMurtrie, Elisabeth Megerle and Allan MacDonald, Eliza Menninger and Ed Johnson, Martin and Estelle Mense, Veronique Meyer, Middlesex Phantoms Soccer Club, Sue Mildrum, Orna and Norman Miles, Corinne Miller, Christine and Bruce Miller, Emily and John Mitchell, Karyn Mohen, Judith Morgan and Robert Cleveland, Cynthia Mork, Vanessa Moroney, Teri and Steven Morrow, Isabel Mroczkowski, Douglas Muder and Deborah Bodeau, Ruth Munden, Lindsay Murphy, Marlene Myers.

Jean Spence Nagle, Susanna Natti, Ken Newman, Amy Norregaard, Whitton Norris, Cindy and Jon Nugent.

Kathleen O’Connell, Noreen O’Gara, Barbara O’Neil, Lee and Bruce Osterling.

Alfred Pandiscio, Joel Parks and Joan Turnberg, Joan Payne, Patricia and James Payne, Sarah Peace, Disty Pearson and Phil Zuckerman, Dorothy Pedersen, Janet Pendleton, Carrie Penman, Barbara Perry, Rhonda Perry, Joyce Peseroff, Paula and Mark Petschek, Jerome Pfeffer and Judith Smith-Pfeffer, John and Kathleen Pietrasik, Herb Pike, Ted and Donna Poe, Michelle Puntillo, Mindy Pollack-Fusi, Elana Poulter, Catherine Price, Elaine Price, Nancy Protasowicki, David and Heather Pullen, Lois and Brown Pulliam, Barbara and Paul Purchia.

Deb and Mark Quinn.

William and Christine Rabinowitz, David Radlo, Lakshmi Rao, Howard & Susan Rashba, David Reader, The Residence at Bedford Senior Living, Ronald and Carol Reynolds, The Ricci Family, Frank and Maureen Richichi, Ron and Linda Richter, Carol Rissman (in memory of Sing Hanson), Susan and Edward Rogalski, Carol and Marty Rogers, John Romeo, Margaret Root, Richard and Michele Rosen, David and Florence Rossi, Linda and Chip Roth, Alice Rouse, Tom Rowan, Ashley Rudd, Fay Russo, Marie Ryder.

Maurizio Salato, Pauline Salter, Jennifer and Lawrence Sandler, Bill Sawyer, Ellenjane Scheiner, Graham Schmidt and Jeanette Rebecchi, Kathy Schnitger, Susan and Adam Schwartz, Abbie and Mike Seibert, Mary Seymour, David Shamlian, Muriel Shapiro, Anthony and Christine Sharon, Peter Shattuck, Michael and Susan Shaw, Julie Sheridan, Jim Shramm (in memory of John McCulloch), Joel and Elaine Shwimer (in honor of Mike Rosenberg), Kim Siebert, Mark Siegenthaler and Diana Minty Siegenthaler, Dayle Silverman, Marion Silvestrone, Sarah Singer, Gj Singer, Kristin Sladen, Wendell Smith, Christine Smith, Karen and Josh Sobol, Ginni and David Spencer, Kaye Spofford, Mary Jane St. Amour, Kathryn Stebbins, Jennifer Stewart, Ronald and Susan Stewart, Matthew and Donna Stieglitz, Judy Storer, Karen Sturzenacker, Jake Sullivan (in memory of coach/teacher Armand Sabourin), Rita Sullivan.

Virginia Tang, Kathy Taylor, Richard Taylor, Suneeta Tembulkar, Gail Terrell, Diana (Yan) Thomas, Donald S. and Christine Jones Thompson, Norman and Janet Tobey, Paula and Richard Torti, Moriah Tumbleson Shaw, Jane Tyler (in honor of Meredith McCulloch).

Laurie and James Venuti, Paula Verrier, Jonathan Villanueva, Ellen Vliet Cohen, Lee Vorderer and Bob Bass (in honor of Julie McCay Turner).

Gail Waldron, Loretta and Robert Walker, Daniel Walsh, Marie Walton, Norma Warner, Watkins and Company, Linda Webb, Rick Webster, Janice and Peter Weichman, Sue Weidman, Warren Wein, Lucy and Mark Weinstein, James Weissman, Chris and Kristen Wendell, Sharon Wendell Unumb, Stanley and Blanche Wentworth, Ted Werth, Kathleen West, Meg and Jim Weston, Derek White, Linda and Bob White (in celebration of Julie McCay Turner), Peggy Whiteley, Jane Williams, Ann Williams, Karen Willson, Lucille Wilson, Michael and Susan Wingfield, Paul and Leslie Wittman, Jerry Wolf, Warren and Luella Woodford, Jeanne Wright, Karen Wulfsberg.

Mike Yamaguchi, Cynthia Yeager, William Yeh, Bob Young,

Joe Zellner, Xiaozhu Zhou, Rich Zirpolo, Melissa and Pete Zorn.

Grateful Reader (2), Anonymous (3), Unknown Donor.

The Bedford Citizen is particularly grateful to the donors who bring the news to Bedford month in and month out. Sustaining donors provide reliable support that helps The Citizen plan effectively, respond to emerging needs, and ensure the continuity of our mission.

Sustaining Donors

Christine Anderson, Peter Ash and Leslie Corin-Ash, Kathleen Aubrey, Richard Baughman, Keith Bayen (in celebration of local news)*, Dot Bergin, Sandra Blake, Renu and Dan Bostwick, Joan Bowen, Seth Cargiuolo, David and Anne Caron, Catherine Chambers, Alice Churella, Leon and Aline Cierpial, Cathy and Ron Cordes, Robert Costello, Elizabeth Cowles, Kelly Craven, Virginia Crocker, Zina Deldar and Lawrence Uricchio, Matthew Derman, Kate Desjardins, Birgit DeWeerd, Bob and Sarah Dorer, Raymond Dugal (in celebration of freedom), Bobbie Ennis, Carol Epple, Mitch and Steven Evans, Jim and Marilyn Fitzgerald, Kerri Garbus, Kelly Giaquinto, Joanne Glover, Irene and Sam Gravina, Karen Guetersloh, John Guilfoil, The Hacala Family, Audra Hamilton, Marc Hamilton, Carl Hanson, Jennifer and Paul Harrington, John and Susan Harris, Margaret Heckman*, Matt Heid, Jasmin Hofstetter, Jennifer and Dan Hurwitz, Christine Johnston, Gene Kalb and Linda Pollitz, Daniel Kennedy, Tom Kinzer, Dawn and Adam Kociubes, Sheila Kojm and Louis Stuhl, Donald James Marshall, Robert Martinage, The Mascoli Family, Beverley Matthews*, Sharon McDonald, Katie McGrath, Teri and Steve Morrow, Bob and Debra Parkhurst*, Sarita and Sanjeev Pillai, Ken and Emily Pruyn, Lalitha Ranganath, Katherine Register, Lori and Howard Reubenstein, Mary Rifkin, James Rogers, Carol and Marty Rogers, Mike and Dawn Rosenberg, Diane Ryan, Marie Ryder, Craig Sandler, Carolyn Savage, Jan Shepard and Judy Eggleston, Joseph Siegel, Dan Smythe, Kaye Spofford, Judith Toussaint, Moriah Tumbleson-Shaw, Alison Weaver, Karen Willson, Paul and Leslie Wittman, Gayatri Yadavalli, Elena Zorn, Anonymous (2).

*A special welcome to our new sustaining donors

We also express our gratitude to Suzanne & Company and Werfen for providing matching funds during our 2023 NewsMatch Campaign.

The Citizen is enormously grateful to our donors, who bring you the news day in and day out. If you are not a monthly (sustaining) donor, please consider becoming one!

Does your employer match donations by employees to nonprofit organizations? If so, your gift can go even further in helping The Citizen provide local, relevant community news. Please check with your company to see if your gift qualifies. Thank you for making your gift count double! 

We strive for accuracy and regret any omissions or mistakes.  Please contact us at [email protected] with any corrections.

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