Dishwasher Pre Wash – What’s Bedford Thinking?

October 6, 2023

All the experts seem to agree: not only is pre-washing your dishes before you load an automatic dishwasher not necessary, but actually detrimental.

Dishwashers have sensors that detect how dirty the water is while washing. If you put a fairly clean dish in there, it actually may trick your dishwasher into thinking the wash cycle should is complete. Pre-washing your dishes not only is a waste of time and water, but it actually makes your machine less efficient.   

The Good Housekeeping Institute spent more than 374 hours over four months testing 17 dishwasher models loaded with the dirtiest dishes they could conjure, none of them pre-rinsed, confirming this advice: you should not pre-wash your dishes.

Still, present company included, it’s the way I was taught as a kid. Old habits are hard to break. Am I alone? Take the poll and let us know!

What’s Bedford Thinking? Do you pre-wash your dishes?

  • I pre-wash my dishes before I load the dishwasher. (51%, 88 Votes)
  • I do not pre-wash my dishes before I load the dishwasher. (36%, 63 Votes)
  • I don't have or do not use an automatic dishwasher. (13%, 23 Votes)

Total Voters: 174

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October 7, 2023 9:09 am

But what exactly does pre-wash mean? Do I scrub my dishes with soap and water before loading; of course not. But do I give them a super quick rinse under running water to get the big chunks off – and not clog my dishwasher’s filter – Yes!

October 6, 2023 9:15 pm

For once a poll that isn’t followed up with a request for money!

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