Letter to the Editor: Former Resident Urges Another Look at Fire Station Project

Submitted by Margaret Donovan

Margaret Donovan is a Bedford native who now lives in New York City.

When Bedford’s legislature convenes in seven weeks, citizens will have a good chance to rethink the troubled fire station project.  A worthy home for the Town’s devoted emergency workers could be even nearer than the early 2026 date the architect suggested in June, if townspeople follow the Amish barn-raising model, withhold judgment, put aside hard feelings, and contribute to the longed-for result.    

I started SaveOurBlock.org last year to present information and analysis not available on the project website. In the bitter aftermath of the 2022 ATM, I wanted to share a perspective that is missed when standing up too close. Wherever life has taken me, Bedford has always been my home. My family has contributed to its health and wealth for the past 69 years. It’s not that I think old-timers’ input matters more than that of those who have more recently made Bedford their home and contributed to its success. But I do think we can offer insight into the Town’s unique character.   

Media comments following the statement of Lt Mark Daly and the Bedford Professional Firefighters Local 2310 on Monday showed a lot of misunderstanding of what the Historic District Commission may and may not do.  The Bedford we love today, the Bedford people have moved into for the last fifty years, only exists because of the HDC’s vigilance. If the town’s development had been left to the mercy of short-term imperatives and passions, it would no doubt look very different today.   

It was wonderful to see the townspeople rally around the Open Town Meeting form of government in the Spring, but its implicit obligation to be an active part of the solution when challenges arise requires commitment. The only way to thank the firefighters for the courageous stand they took the other night is to be courageous in return. 

Tomorrow I will post on saveourblock.org and Bedford TV the petitioners’ articles I have worked on with Bedford residents. They will be available to sign onto at Booth 108 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday and outside Stop and Shop throughout the weekend.     

In 1966, Town Historian Louis K. Brown wrote:  “In this enlightened day, we cannot help but appreciate the love and care our ancestors had for their native town. As good citizens, we cannot help but try with all that is within us to continue to preserve it as carefully for those who come after us.” 

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The opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer, not The Bedford Citizen.

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September 22, 2023 3:36 pm

You are a former resident. The current residents voted overwhelmingly to have the station built on that spot.

Until you move back into town and start to pay taxes here in Bedford, mind your own business and stay out of ours.

John Smoltz
September 21, 2023 7:40 pm

It is unclear to me why we are allowing this. She is no longer a resident, does not pay taxes, and is using the firefighters as a crutch and leaving out the specific distinction that the firefighters were concerned due to restrictions that the HDC are proposing. Either tell the whole story or mind your business please

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