Letter to the Editor: Resident Urges Support for State Legislature Audit

Submitted by R. Bruce Murphy

I am writing in support of State Auditor Diana DiZoglio’s effort to audit the state legislature.  Given that she has already completed an audit of the state judiciary and is in process with the audit of the Governor’s office, I am disappointed to learn the legislative leadership is resisting her efforts.  Let’s be frank, with the checkered history of the Massachusetts State Legislature, in both chambers, with respect to corruption, criminality and transparency, I believe that the branch of government in most need of a rigorous review is the Legislature.  I have to say, the resistance on the part of the legislative leaders does invite the question: What do you have to hide?

As a member of the Finance Committee and Board of Assessors here in Bedford, I operated under the Open Meeting Law for 27 years without any significant difficulty in governance.  I’m sure our legislators support that sort of openness in local government.  I would expect that they support the same level of transparency at the state level.

I have written to Representative Gordon and Senator Barrett to ask for their public support for Ms. DiZoglio’s effort.  I encourage you to do the same.

Bruce Murphy is a former member of the Finance Committee and the Board of Assessors.

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The opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer, not The Bedford Citizen.

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Ann Kiessling
August 13, 2023 9:41 am

Thanks, Bruce, for bringing this to our attention. I am surprised to learn the legislature is not audited as a routine matter. When was the last time an audit was conducted?

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