Letter to the Editor: Davis School Neighbors Not Informed about Road Paving Schedule

Submitted by Warren Wein  

I have never seen such utter incompetence in a town project before. Paving on Battle Flag started a few weeks ago.  After getting letters in their mailboxes that they would be informed when construction would start, my neighbors living on Battle Flag and Lexington Circle, never were.  We were assured that the Davis school bus would have no problem passing through to get to all the bus stops and yet we’ve had many problems.  I called the DPW to speak with Carl Gagnon and was assured that the DPW was in constant communication with the Bedford Bus Depot. Everyone at the job site is informed every day about the plan. But they’re not.  I called Davis School and they were unaware that there was any construction, on any of their bus routes.

This morning, Tuesday 5/2/2023, I stopped at the start of the construction area to confirm with the person on duty, that it was OK to drive to the bus stop.  “Yes, but please stay off the asphalt, only drive on the dirt”.   So I drove up to the bus stop at Lexington circle and turned in to the road to park.  The construction crew waved me thru.   I asked if it was OK to park on the asphalt behind them.  Yes came the reply.  So I parked on the asphalt and helped my 7 year old out of the car.  I was about to hand my son his back pack when a DPW worker drove up and told me I could not park there because it was an active paving site. I had to park on Battle Flag on the asphalt.  He escorted me to the proper parking place.  

I asked why this isn’t coordinated better.  He said that they have no idea when the bus comes thru.  Except the bus comes thru Monday – Friday every day at 8:35am. This has happened since September! Is no one coordinating this?

I called the DPW, again, to inquire why this is not better coordinated and was told that they have no way of communicating to the Parents about the progress with construction.  What about communicating with the schools?  The schools can email the parents. “Oh, that’s good feedback”.  Come on, this isn’t that difficult!  This town is full of brilliant people and yet this project seems haphazardly put together.  We can do better.

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The opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer, not The Bedford Citizen.

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Mike Merrick
May 31, 2023 9:37 am

Incompetence starts at the top and rots from the head down. This town is rudderless right now with the people who “run” the town in many areas, whether its DPW or town manager, or select board.

Karyn Girouard
June 12, 2023 8:07 am
Reply to  Mike Merrick

I agree with the hired Town Management roles, based on my personal experience with them. I had submitted a similar comment to the original article that was never posted but yours is well said and to the point.

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