What’s Bedford Thinking: Taxes, Have You Filed?

April 7, 2023

Next Saturday is April 15, aka Tax Day. In Massachusetts, taxes are not actually due until Tuesday, April 18 due to the Patriots Day holiday. But still, the April 15 date hangs out there as TAX DAY!  

Filing taxes is, safe to say, one of those tasks that nobody enjoys doing. It is something that is easy to put off. I remember when I was a teenager filling out my first 1040 on the evening of the deadline and dutifully driving to the post office at 11 p.m. The post office stayed open until midnight back then on Tax Day. There were scores of people doing the same thing as me. I saw some of those same people at the mall on Christmas Eve. The fraternity of the procrastinators (yes, fraternity is the right word), it was very much a men’s club.  

What’s Bedford Thinking? Take our poll!

What's Bedford Thinking? Have you filed your taxes?

  • Yes, I already filed (61%, 84 Votes)
  • No, not yet but will by April 18 (25%, 35 Votes)
  • No, I will file for an extension (12%, 17 Votes)
  • No, I’m not planning on filing (1%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 138

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