Letter to the Editor: Bedford Doesn’t Need More Rental Apartments; Carlisle Road Project Would Strain Town Services

-Submitted by John Litchfield

In the proposed 139-unit mixed housing development on Carlisle Rd., there will be two 3-story apartment buildings which consist of 87 rental units with parking garages underneath.  In addition to these buildings, there will be 27 townhouses, 16 duplexes, and 9 single family homes.  The back of the  single-family homes will be facing Carlisle Rd (approx. 35 feet from the property line).  There will also be designated parking for over 200 cars all on 8 acres of land.   The total percentage of rental units in this development is 81%.  The 2 three-story apartment buildings with parking garages are totally out of character for any residential neighborhood in Bedford.

This is happening because the Bedford Housing Partnership and Select Board have allowed a local initiative project (LIP) to give Bedford more affordable housing above our already 18+% and there likely will be more projects if this gets passed.  There is still 14 acres of land behind Northside Convenience store to be developed as soon as this other potential project is finished.  More apartments??

There is a lot of money in building apartments…rental money for life!  Bedford does not need more rental apartments.  We are already second only to Burlington for rental housing of 10 surrounding towns.  Alternatively, single family homes or even duplexes where neighbors are more likely to get together and socialize because they own and don’t rent would be better in my mind.  I don’t believe apartment buildings foster community/socialization, because renters come and go.  

In addition to the Carlisle Rd development, there is a 92-bed assisted living project being built on South Rd.  On Summer St. there is approval for 20 apartments.  Currently under construction next to the DPW  there are 19 apts/condos with retail space underneath.  Not to mention the Hanscom airfield proposed project or the Old Billerica Rd. development.

The Carlisle Rd development, as well as these others, will be very burdensome on the town’s services (police, fire, schools etc.) and this will affect everyone in Bedford.

There will be too much development all at once with the impact yet to be felt.

The developer of the Carlisle Rd project, Brian DeVellis, talks about this particular development being a legacy project for the town…just think about that legacy project the next time you are sitting in traffic trying to get home.

Please contact the Select Board with your concerns.

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