The Bedford Citizen Updated Letters to the Editor Policy

December 19, 2022

The Bedford Citizen has updated its policies on Letters to the Editor and Comments. As always, we welcome residents to be a part of our community forum where people can share information and discuss views on issues that are important to them.

Letters to the Editor Policy

  • Letters to the Editor should be emailed to: [email protected].
  • Writers must include their name and verifiable contact information (a working email address, street address, and telephone number) with each submission. The Citizen will publish the writer’s name, but contact information will only be used if needed for authenticity or clarification of any issues.
  • Letters should be signed by one or two individuals, or the members of a board or committee with contact information for each signer included. Letters signed by a large number of citizens will not be accepted. 
  • Letters must be no more than 400 words in length. 
  • Please do not include graphics of any sort (e.g. photos, charts, tables, or graphs). Links/URLs to graphs and images on other sites may be included. Referenced links and articles in The Citizen or other sources should include the title, date, and a link to the original article. 
  • Letters to the Editor may include calls to action or requests for support, but we will not post form letters.
  • Letters will not be published with special formatting, please do not include words or sentences in bold, underlined, in all caps, multiple fonts or colored text. Please submit letters in the body of an email or as an attachment (.docx/Word formatting preferred). 
  • Submissions may be edited for grammar and clarity. An editor may verify corrections with the writer before publication.
  • Letter writers should disclose if they are currently serving on a town board or committee, or in a position of authority, and qualify if they are writing on behalf of themselves or as a group representative. For clarity when using Ph.D. or ‘Dr./Doctor’ – the writer should note the individual’s field of expertise.
  • The Opinions Committee will aim to post the letter for publication within three business days of receipt. Letters may be distributed over a longer period prior to elections and Town Meeting. 
  • The Bedford Citizen Opinions team reserves the right to not publish any letter than doesn’t follow our guidelines and at our discretion. 
  • Letters express the opinion of the writer and may not represent the opinion of The
    Bedford Citizen staff or Board of Directors.

Letters and questions on letters or the letter policy may be emailed to [email protected], mailed to The Bedford Citizen, P.O. Box 212, Bedford, MA 01730, or via phone at 781-430-8837.

Comments on Articles and Letters Posted on The Bedford Citizen

  • Comments are reviewed before being made public and accepted at the discretion of the Bedford Citizen staff. 
  • Comments may be up to 300 words.

The Bedford Citizen is interested in hearing from you. Please fill out the following Feedback Form, or email [email protected].

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Wayne Braverman is the Managing Editor of The Bedford Citizen. He can be reached at [email protected], or 781-430-8837.

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