DPW: Planning For Shawsheen Cemetery in 2023

December 28, 2022
Shawsheen Cemetary in Bedford with Fall Color Leaves
Shawsheen Cemetery. Courtesy Image

~Submitted by David Manugian, Director, Bedford Public Works

Many residents see Shawsheen Cemetery as a valuable asset of the community, both for its primary purpose as a place of mourning and reflection for those whose loved ones are interred there, as well as a safe and accessible location for walking.  As such, the Town strives to provide a balance for its different visitors throughout the year.

Per article 11 of the Town Bylaws, the Select Board is in charge of the Town’s cemeteries, and has authorized the Public Works Department to administer them including cemetery lot sales, interments, placing of monuments, and maintenance.  The Rules and Regulations of the Shawsheen Cemetery provide the standards for their fair and impartial administration.

The Rules and Regulations identify that visitors should avoid activities that are considered unbecoming to a sacred place, including walking dogs, loud or boisterous talking, and use of alcohol or narcotics.  To help inform users of the Cemetery, Public Works will be installing signs at the  Cemetery entrances with this information and a link to the Town’s web page.

In addition, the Rules and Regulations identify the decorations, plants, and shrubs that are allowed at graves.  They allow certain adornments, at certain times of year, while also restricting or prohibiting other items that affect the overall maintenance, appearance, and visitor experience of the Cemetery.  Adornments such as shepherd hooks, fences, urns, and decorative accessories are in violation of the Rules and Regulations and impede the Town’s ability to property maintain the grounds. Public Works requests that adornments be placed and removed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, and after March 1, 2023 will be removing and disposing of any remaining items in anticipation of the annual spring cleanup.

For more information on the Shawsheen Cemetery or its Rules and Regulations please visit the Town web site at https://www.bedfordma.gov/381/Cemetery-Division.

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Karyn Girouard
January 9, 2023 10:13 am

It is unduly cruel and harsh for the town to focus on the cemetery rules that apply only to plot owners and mourners, without the same focus on all cemetery rules. The new signs look great, but why do we think recreational and trail users of the cemetery will abide by these new signs vs the old?

Robin Biggio Costa.
December 31, 2022 11:04 am

Should a family be denied making their loved ones final(paid for) resting place a pleasant place to visit? A neat colorful maintained planting,small statue and a few personal momentos can only serve to make the cemetery a place to remember, be thoughtful ,peaceful not a sterile colorless field.

Robin Biggio Costa.
December 31, 2022 1:52 am

If the DPW is so concerned about how the cemetery looks maybe they would spend a little more time and money on the dead grass. My father has been gone for 17 years and there is still dead grass and dirt around his site the majority of the year. I have more to say but may need to continue on a new e

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