Time to Light up Your Home for the Holidays with Luminaria

November 21, 2022
Luminaria have a tradition of lining Bedford driveways and walks on December 24th. Bedford Minuteman Chuck Hacala, Scholarship Fund chair Parul Ciacca, and Paul Couvee of Chip-in Farm with Luminaria in 2016.

With the dark early winter days upon us, now’s the time to get your Luminaria kit to brighten your walkway throughout the holidays.  The Bedford Minuteman Memorial Scholarship Trust is once again supporting Bedford Public Schools through the annual sale of Christmas Luminaria. The kits can be purchased at Chip-in Farm for $15 and the proceeds will benefit the American Studies programs at each of the elementary school libraries. 

Students who have benefitted from the American Studies programs had some interesting quotes about the books they were reading and the facts they were learning:

  • “I’m reading Crispus Attucks and African America Patriots of the American Revolution. (by Siddons, Brian)  There aren’t lots of books that talk about African American people fighting in the Revolutionary War.  I learned that African Americans were fighting for 2 things, freedom for the 13 colonies and freedom from being a slave.” (Lane School, 4th grade)
  • “I really thought that the Revolutionary War mostly happened in our area, Lexington, Concord, and Boston.  I’m reading about other places there were battles, like Fort Ticonderoga in New York and the Battle of Long Island.  That was the first battle after the Declaration of Independence was signed!” (Lane School, grade 4)
  • “I’m reading a bunch of picture books about the Revolutionary War.  This is the second book I read and there is a girl that is brave, usually, the books are about boys.  I like this one, and the one about Dolly Madison saving the picture of George Washington.” (Lane School, grade 3)
  • “Paul Revere was the person that went to Lexington to say that the British were coming.”  “He really didn’t say that exactly, but he did tell them they were coming because he saw 2 lanterns at the top of the Old North Church, so that meant the British were coming by sea.”  Paul rode to Lexington to tell other Patriots and then he went to Concord to warn them and have them hide stuff so the British wouldn’t steal it..”  (Lane School, grade 4)
  • Read: The Bald Eagle: An American Symbol (by Eldridge, Alison and Stephen) “This is a super-bird!:  It is strong and it means America!” (Davis School, Kindergarten)
  • Math With Money (Romaine, Claire) “There are old presidents on the cents! I don’t see a lot of those at my house, but sometimes at the store!” (Davis School, grade 1)

The Bedford Minuteman Scholarship Trust thanks all who have purchased Luminaria and appreciates the support of Suzanne Koller, and Suzanne & Company Real Estate.

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