Looking Back at Bedford Day 2022

September 21, 2022
The 2022 Bedford Day Fair ~ Image, Colin Valentine (c) 2022 all rights reserved ~ Click to view full-sized image


~ Submitted by Josh Smith and the Bedford Recreation Department team
~ Photographs contributed by Colin Valentine and Robert Ackerman


Bedford Day is always a collaborative, fun, and exciting day—and this year was no exception.  We were lucky to have great weather for a great event.  Starting early with the Race for Matty, then the parade, to the fair, and the fireworks at night, everything went off seamlessly.  Some of the highlights included the parade featuring Citizen of the Year Sarah Dorer, town dignitaries, and local groups who marched.  Then the largest Bedford Day fair in years started which consisted of 150+ booths and vendors, the Health Department providing COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations in their tent, and the Department of Public Works truck collecting paper products in partnership with the Bedford Food Bank.  The day was capped off with an incredible fireworks display on a clear and beautiful night.

There was a lot of activity throughout the day including vendors on ‘Food Row’ in front of Town Hall providing an abundance of tasty food, children riding the train on the grass, many performances throughout the day, an art show in the Town Center building and energy that was bustling from the circle between town hall/town center where many town and school groups were providing the fun.

There are many people who collaborated to make this day possible and the list is long of those to thank for making this a great event.  Thanks to the participants in the Race for Matty, the groups who marched in the parade, the fair registrants, and the CERT volunteers. Thanks to the town departments and staff who have worked hard for weeks and months leading up to Bedford Day.  They include the Bedford Police Department, Bedford Fire Department, Department of Public Works, Facilities, Health and Human Services, Recreation, and the Town Manager’s Office.

And finally, thanks to all of the Bedford residents who attended and came together to make this an incredible day.  We’re already looking forward to Bedford Day 2023!

Thanks to Colin Valentine for his images of the 2022 Bedford Day parade and fair,
and to Robert Ackerman for his fireworks images.
All images are (c) each photographer, and all rights are reserved.

The Parade

The Fair

The Kiddos

The Fireworks



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Barbara Aldorisio
September 25, 2022 2:46 pm

Wonderful pictures…THANK YOU…BABS

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