New Staff Configuration Coming to Lane School Library

August 4, 2022

A new personnel configuration in the library at Lt. Job Lane School will facilitate an emphasis on lifelong educational practices while sustaining traditional book services, according to the Superintendent of Schools.

Philip Conrad said Thursday that former fifth-grade teacher Stacey Williamson will serve as “our instructional coach.  She is going to work with teachers to create opportunities in class for literacy skills, research skills, digital literacy, and digital citizenship. We want to make sure these four things become integrated in what kids are doing.”

“At the same time, students still will have opportunities to have someone help them check out books,” Conrad continued. During “library book exchange,” a library assistant will “suggest new books, do the displays, and make sure that the kids don’t lose out in any of that.”

“There’s a lot to do with technology, but we also are making sure kids are excited about reading.”

The superintendent acknowledged that he has fielded some calls about the decision not to replace retiring librarian Linda Coviello. “People are checking in to say, ‘Help us understand,’” he said.

“Our hope is that with two people doing this, and as an outreach into the classrooms, that will help teachers incorporate these skills into the curriculum,” he said. “We also have been empowering the whole faculty at Davis and Lane Schools to help us with the (library) collection,” he added.

“We have a lot of kids in the Lane School who are digital citizens. They have accounts on social media; they engage with the world in a digital way,” Conrad observed.

The new configuration wasn’t final until the last week of June, Conrad said. “This was a cooperative decision, looking at what’s the best thing for kids and for teachers,” with input from Donna Clements, director of technology and library media; Lane School Principal Rob Ackerman, and Assistant Superintendent Tricia Clifford,

Conrad said the goal is to integrate research and technology skills “into all aspects of student learning and not as a support experience, as it was before, and help students engage the technologies and communicate their ideas.”

“We want those skills to be embedded,” Conrad said. “Stacey will be working with the teachers.”

Mike Rosenberg can be reached at [email protected], or 781-983-1763

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