Letter to the Editor:  In Support of Tim Sullivan

~ Submitted by Corey Everett

Tim Sullivan, endorsed by the Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts and the Sierra Club, is ready to make bold changes for our district. I’ve seen plenty of talk about superficial qualities and even some fearmongering and I’m tired of it – This should be about policy. Instead of defaulting to incumbency, we must elect progressive policies that can propel Massachusetts forward.

Right now, state reps can kill bills before they even see a vote without telling us. Mr. Gordon voted against bill H68 5, “Public Committee Votes and Testimony”, which would have reformed the House-Senate rules to publish all committee votes online. Massachusetts is the only state where those votes are private, and Tim believes we deserve full transparency about how our elected leaders vote. He has pledged to share all his votes on his website so that you can make sure he is working for your interests. Tim also believes in term limits for Speaker of the House and requiring bills to be published online 48 hours before a vote. Gordon has voted against both these measures, probably caving to pressure from the Speaker himself, as Gordon himself admitted to in the BCAT Burlington forum.

Because of the recent heat waves and outrageous electric bills, I went through the effort of unplugging every appliance that wasn’t necessary, only to get hit with an even worse bill this month. Tim Sullivan has a strong environmental focus and will make the switch to 100% renewable energy sources NOW, not by 2050. It’s been done in Vermont already, and they enjoy much lower energy bills than the surrounding states. After having played a key role in speeding up UMass Amherst’s timeline for 100% renewable energy by 20 years, he is the only candidate in this race to have a solid plan for climate that recognizes the urgency of the situation we are in.

I have friends who are more than $50,000 in debt or more at outrageous interest rates. Tuition’s gone up 7% a year because of greed for decades. We can do better. We need equality of opportunity for everyone. Tim Sullivan runs an education justice non-profit to make sure that no family needs to break the bank for a public education, from pre-kindergarten and childcare through college. Are we really doing enough for our kids’ futures?

For these reasons, I believe Tim Sullivan must be elected as our next State Representative.

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Corey Michael Everett
September 2, 2022 11:46 pm

Hello folks! On request, here’s the video in question. Tim’s question to Ken is at 29:20, where he pretty much says that he held off on voting in the affirmative on committee votes because he didn’t want to jeopardize his relationship with the speaker. I think our speaker shouldn’t have the right to control the way representatives vote, personally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEpR2GJ7C8E

Lyn Dohaney
August 30, 2022 3:24 pm

I agree with Corey Everett and will be supporting Timmy Sullivan on Sept. 6. I talked with Timmy yesterday when he campaigned in my neighborhood. Our state government – all institutions, for that matter – need regular infusions of new ideas and of the imaginative thinkers who provide those ideas. Committee votes should be public and available. Why not? Transitioning to 100% renewable energy has to happen, but relying on everybody to do their little part is not going to work. We need a comprehensive plan. Timmy Sullivan realizes the urgency of the moment and is invested in taking on this challenge.

Corey Michael Everett
September 2, 2022 11:30 pm
Reply to  Lyn Dohaney

Absolutely agree! I’m particularly interested in his education, energy and healthcare policies. These things are fantastic investments in the future of Massachusetts, and funding them pays dividends.

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