Abigail Seibert and Ronald O’Brien Named to Fill Finance Committee Vacancies

August 10, 2022

After three meetings that failed to reach a unanimous decision, the Finance Committee Appointing Authority named Abigail Seibert and Ronald O’Brien to serve on Bedford’s Finance Committee on Tuesday, August 9.

David Powell and Thomas Busa retired recently, leaving Bedford’s nine-member Finance Committee reduced to seven members.

Just before Tuesday’s vote, Town Moderator Mark Siegenthaler reminded his Appointing Authority colleagues—FinCom chair Stephen Carluccio and Select Board chair Emily Mitchell—that Bedford is among a very small number of Massachusetts communities requiring unanimous agreement among both boards and the Town Moderator to fill vacancies.

Although the Appointing Authority had earlier agreed that Abigail Seibert was a strong candidate based on her tenure as the School Committee liaison to the Finance Committee, there was no unanimous vote.

A call went out to the Volunteer Coordinating Committee, and a new group of candidates was interviewed Tuesday evening, with an audience comprised of Finance Committee members and interested residents.

In nominating Seibert and O’Brien, Carluccio noted that he was persuaded in O’Brien’s favor based on his strong presentation—describing significant responsibilities at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and his service on the Bedford Conservation Commission.

Seibert will serve until 2025; O’Brien’s term will end in 2024.

Correction 08.10.2022: David Powell has retired, not Paul Mortensen as noted in the article. The Citizen regrets its error.

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