Bedford Explained Podcast – #3 Nike Missile Sites in Bedford

June 8, 2022


This is our third Bedford Explained Podcast.  Today we will go back to the Cold War and talk about the Army’s air defense system against Russian bombers.  During the Cold War, the USA developed and deployed the Nike-Ajax anti-aircraft missile system.  There were over 200 sites throughout the country, one of them being right here in Bedford.  They were here for a very short time 1957 to 1959.  The launch site is still there at the end of Old Causeway Road.  There also was a radar site at the Lewellyn Farm on Davis Road, which is now the Revolutionary Ridge neighborhood.

In this Podcast, we talk with Jack Ramsey.  Ramsey is an amateur history buff who grew up during the Cold War.  He was curious as to what was happening then and has researched and accumulated many stories, photographs, and artifacts, all on his websites.

We’ll also chat with Jim Cozzi.  Cozzi grew up in Chicago and joined the army.  His first deployment was here in Bedford in 1957 where he served 2 years at the Nike Site.  Jim left the army but stayed in Bedford ever since, working for the Department of Public Works for over 35 years.

We hope you enjoy the podcast.

Click Here To Listen Bedford Explained Podcast #3

Thanks to Jack, Jim, and Marc and Brian at Bedford TV

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Amy kelly
June 19, 2022 1:00 am

Neat idea for a podcast! One suggestion – instead of spending close to a minute introducing the podcast every episode, maybe make a slightly longer introduction and post it as an it’s own “about the podcast” file, so folks can jump more quickly into each individual podcast?

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