Planning Board Considers Zoning Bylaw Changes to Allow for “Village Center” Districts

March 15, 2022

At its March 8 meeting, the Bedford Planning Board discussed potential zoning bylaw amendments to establish a village center district in neighborhoods zoned Residence C.

Village centers are generally defined as districts along a main street that contain a combination of residential, civic, religious, commercial, and mixed buildings and are accessible by foot.

The districts being considered as possible village center sites were divided into three geographic areas: Bedford Gardens in the area south of the South Road and Evergreen Avenue intersection to the Hanscom Field boundary; Loomis Street to The Great Road; and North Road to Pine Hill Road.

During the analysis process it was discovered that many parcels in these areas are non-conforming, making it difficult to identify new lot area requirements or gauge the feasibility of utilizing the neighborhoods as a village center.

Planning Director Tony Fields explained that many of the homes in these areas met zoning law requirements at the time they were built, but are now considered non-conforming after years of zoning changes.

Board member Chris Gittins provided graphs to illustrate the frontage and lot sizes of the residences located in the areas of Bedford Gardens and Loomis Street. Fields noted that the graphs do not indicate which lots pre-date current zoning laws and therefore may be exempt from current zoning laws, and which lots have variances.

Planning Board member Amy Lloyd highlighted that there are some parcels that were built later in accordance with zoning laws and stressed the importance of drafting more specific guidelines that would be fair to everyone. Member Jacinda Barbehenn requested a map of non-conforming parcels over time to provide historical context as to how the current zoning came to be. She also suggested the possibility of re-zoning commercial zones in order to “add vitality.”

The Board also discussed ideas for structuring the proposed village center. Catherine Perry, Assistant Planner, presented a slideshow of recent photos showing signage, landscaping, and architectural designs in neighboring communities. The board discussed the advantages and pitfalls of the different designs and how they might be applied to Bedford.

Also discussed were updates to the Planning Board manual. Fields reported that he plans to speak to Todd Crowley of the Zoning Board of Appeals for additional insight. (Crowley was elected to a vacant Planning Board seat Saturday.)

Fields asked that board members continue to submit feedback. Barbehenn applauded the addition of a manual and asked that changes related to Covid restrictions be considered in the drafting process. Shawn Hanegan – at his final board meeting — noted the importance of having a manual available for new board members and recommended asking new members for input. (Hanegan was elected to the Select Board Saturday.)

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Chris Gittins
March 16, 2022 12:09 pm

A correction to this article: Lots which pre-date existing zoning bylaws are subject to existing zoning bylaws. All lots are subject to existing zoning bylaws. There are no exemptions.

Chris Gittins
Member, Bedford Planning Board

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