Letter to the Editor: Regarding Dan Carroll and Ron O’Brien, Candidates for Select Board, and Kelly Horton, and Dr. Eleanor Gorsey, Candidates for School Committee

~ Submitted by Erica Liu,  President of Chinese American Association of Bedford

The Chinese American Association of Bedford supports four town election candidates. Chinese Americans are a growing demographic group of residents and citizens in Bedford.  We have always been welcomed by Bedford and are grateful to call this wonderful town home.

We believe in traditional values, personal responsibility, hard work and equal opportunity.

Two years ago, the Chinese American Association of Bedford donated nearly $10,000 to the Town of Bedford to support our town’s battle against Coved.  We actively support the following town election candidates who have passion and knowledge to serve our town.

They are:

Town Select Board: Dan Carroll https://carrollforbedford.com/

Town Select Board: Ron O’Brien https://thebedfordcitizen.org/2022/01/candidate-announcement-ron-obrien-for-select-board/  and https://m.facebook.com/people/OBrien-Select-Board-Candidate/100077412353601/

School Committee- Kelly Horton https://hortonforbedford.com/

School Committee- Dr. Eleanor Gorsey https://www.eleanorgorseyforschoolcommittee.com/

As town residents, taxpayers, and parents, we expect transparency in town government and school curriculum.  We have strong compassion for all members of the community: we believe united we stand and stand stronger.

We believe those candidates will serve our town with fiscal responsibility, promote holistic wellbeing for our children and youth, and facilitate democratic engagement among residents and parents for decision-making.

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Ben Bennett
March 3, 2022 10:48 pm

This letter is disappointingly content free. I would like to know why the organization choose those candidates. What positions do the candidates take that the organization agrees with? What positions do the other candidates take that the organization disagrees with?

Nick Zorn
March 3, 2022 9:38 pm

This letter makes me a little bit uncomfortable. It would be perfectly reasonable political discourse if it were written by an individual or on behalf of a named group of individuals, but this association appears to be a 501(c)(3) organization. The association may want to review the rules of engagement regarding political activity by nonprofits.


March 2, 2022 10:32 pm

Please know that the views of the “Chinese American Association of Bedford” do NOT necessarily represent those of all (or even most) Chinese Americans in town. As a Chinese American who grew up in Bedford when there were almost none of us living here, I have no idea who these people are. I have asked other Chinese American town residents and they also had not heard of them & could find no info out about them either.

I’m sure they are real residents, but please do not take this as an endorsement by Bedford’s Chinese American community at large. It is not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Virginia

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