Community Voices ~ Should I Stay or Should I Go? … Election Season in Bedford, Massachusetts

March 5, 2022

~ Submitted by Robin Steele

The other day I was having a conversation with my husband about how frustrated I was with the election and the tone of people on Facebook and his response was “When the kids graduate we can move!”  I turned to him and said “NO!!! I will not be pushed out of my hometown; I will fight for it and make it better!!!”

This conversation stemmed from many things that have happened over the last few weeks.  Anyone who knows me knows I am not a person who posts on Facebook too much.  All I ever post is my children’s pictures and maybe a few cute kitty pictures.  Lately, I have found myself having to ask people “Was that comment necessary?” when they posted something.  People tend to be meaner when they are behind a keyboard.  In one case someone took down their comment, in other cases, people started arguing even more.  My hope is that in most cases people will take the comment down and realize they need to think before they post, but I don’t think I have that kind of power.

One thing that really upset me was the comments that have been attached to the local Select Board election.  There are a lot of lies going around about the candidates and people believe them.  I don’t understand how the town I grew up in can turn so mean.  I guess when we were kids we did not have the social media outlets to help pass along lies or gossip.  We had to have conversations…yes I am that old!! Now with social media playing so heavily in our lives, especially with zoom meetings and forums, people find it easier to say things they would not say if the person were in front of them.

Well as I said I am fighting for my town, so when I heard about the things that were being said I reached out to each of the 4 Select Board candidates and had a conversation with each of them.  Every single one of them talked to me for a half-hour or longer. I talked to them about the rumors and about what I envision for our little town and they talked and listened to what I had to say.  Two of the candidates I know from working with them on town boards. I knew one of them socially and one of them I did not know at all.  No matter my relationship with them, they talked to me and listened to what I had to say.  This helped clear through any misconceptions I had and it helped me to determine where my votes should go.

I know with all the signs around town it seems like a high school popularity contest, who has the most signs?  Let’s be clear this election is not a popularity contest.  You really need to listen to what the candidates have to say and what they support.  Our town is changing and you want the people who are in charge to be in line with what your values are.  Just because someone is your friend, it does not mean that you agree with their vision for our town.  Please take the time to read their websites, go to the meet and greets, and they may not like me for this, but reach out to them.  I think you will be surprised as to what they have to say.  Be honest with them and ask them if you have heard negative things about them and let them tell you if it is true.  Don’t be fooled by town gossip.

Do not go and vote or send in your ballot until you have done your research, you may be surprised at what you find.  I know I was.

Try to remember vote for facts not friends and don’t say anything on social media that you would not say to someone’s face if they were in front of you.

Those are my life lessons for today. Thanks for listening.

Also make sure you vote on March 12, 2022!!

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Karen Wulfsberg
March 8, 2022 4:49 pm

Well said, Robin! As someone who grew up in Bedford and has spent most of my life here, I strongly support your message and hope that everyone will take it to heart. Each person needs to make their own choices, but let them be informed choices.

March 8, 2022 9:07 am

So well said Robin! I have had similar thoughts of leaving with all rumors that started so early in the campaign.
The new town motto seems to be “guilty until we can prove you guilty”. It’s very sad. And what’s even more sad is there seems to be an excitement over the presumed guilt.
We all live here together. Listening to others and hearing them is important, that’s part of inclusion and being kind! There is a feeling of being steamrolled with only one possible thought process, and panic that other ideas might come forward. It’s not a healthy atmosphere. And it’s just not nice!
It’s not what I want for our little town!

Kim Siebert
March 8, 2022 7:08 am

Bravo, Robin! Taking the time to weed through rumor and fact is what a responsible citizen should do! I am really glad you wrote this article!

March 7, 2022 5:52 pm

Well I must say We are fairly new here these past two years have been quite dissapointing for us. If you mention anything that goes against the “ liberal” mindset here people ATTACk you, then they have the nerve to advertise this “ be kind” thing. I want to move to a more diverse town. The funny part about it all is that we are a mixed family, black, spanish and with a daughter in the lgbtq community in college. We were worried Bedford would not be diverse enough in terms of race, it is definitily not diverse at all in terms of mindset. It feels like a cult in here. Chill out everybody! Let people express their thoughts, be KIND. My name is Esther I live near Lane! Never afraid to speak!

Ellen Ryan
March 7, 2022 3:10 pm

Thank you Robin!

Heather Randhahn
March 7, 2022 8:57 am

Thank you for your honest and well reasoned viewpoint, Robin. We have called Bedford home for 20 years and have raised our son here. I’ll admit that I was having “stay or go” thoughts this weekend as well. Educating oneself on the issues at hand is critical to making an informed choice and I applaud you for doing so.

Barbara Aldordorisio
March 6, 2022 2:07 pm

RIGHT ON Robin…AS WELL AS ANNE…This gossip around town reminds me of the game ” TELEPHONE”. I have been reading most all of the info about the candidates and will vote for I think the most capable w the Bedford citizens concerns in mind. Some may want to reread the questions the LWV posed to the canidates? If you don’t have time to read anything else. Thanks to you and Anne you are right on target…Start TALKING and listening to people face to face it is amazing what one can learn……

Stephen Carluccio
March 6, 2022 12:35 pm


Well Said!

Hopefully people will read and take this to heart.

Thank you for taking the time, effort and care to express these thoughts.

Steve Carluccio

Ann Kiessling
March 5, 2022 8:21 pm

Thank you, Robin!

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