Letter to the Editor: Recommendation to End Mask Mandate

~ Submitted by John Stella

I strongly recommend that the Bedford Board of Health should consider immediately drop the mask mandates for indoor in Bedford.

Billerica, Lowell, Mansfield, Worcester, and a number growing number of cities and towns in Massachusetts soon will drop the mandates.  Bedford should not wait until March.  Bedford should follow other towns and drop the mandates.

The city of San Francisco, California, two weeks ago recently dropped the mandates on gyms.

We have seen lots of protests across the country, Europe, and Canada.   The people have spoken loud and clear.  They said enough with mandates.

Many small business owners, and the companies in Bedford that employ workers, they are hurting.

It is time to get back to normal life and end the mandates.  It is time for Bedford town officials to listen to our people in Bedford who have concerns.   It is time to have open minds.

Write your letter to Bedford Board of Health, 10 Mudge Way, Bedford MA 01730.

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Marc Levetin
February 11, 2022 3:15 pm

“It’s time to get back to normal life.”
Maybe you haven’t looked for the charts, but literally every time people decide to “get back to normal”, cases and hospitals are overflowing within a month or so.

“It is time for Bedford town officials to listen to our people who have concerns.”
Totally agree.

I am in Bedford. Town officials should listen to me. I have concerns.

I am concerned that selfish people are going to make me and my family ill because we both happened to wait for takeout at Kens within the same 10 minute window.

I am concerned that parents are going to send their kids to school sick because it’s convenient or because the child doesn’t show symptoms, and the kid is going make my kid sick. Who in turn will make me sick.

I am concerned that you’re more swayed by people in Canada than you are by your neighbors.

And I am concerned that there are still entire segments of the population who cannot be vaccinated. These people live with the same risk as when things began. And some of these people are kids in school and can be found around town – indoors.

And I’m concerned that despite every valid opinion I’ve listed above, there’s virtually no chance I’ve convinced you. It’s sad that you’re putting your temporary, occasional comfort above other people’s lives.

Dan Archibald
February 11, 2022 3:03 pm

I support continuing the mask mandate. It lets everyone feel safe shopping in town, even if they have young children who aren’t able to be vaccinated yet. Even if masks aren’t 100% effective, they’re better than nothing. And aside from personal preference, what reason is there not to wear a mask? It’s not that much of a hardship!

Tom Kenny
February 11, 2022 1:14 pm

Nice job, John. It’s time to trust the science over the irrational fears of an ever-shrinking minority who want the mandates to continue. Even the CDC has admitted that masks haven’t worked. Time to live freely again and give Bedford businesses a chance against their local competitors!

Benjamin Root
February 10, 2022 11:03 pm

This is spiking the football at the 10 yard line. The cases are going down, which is great, but they are still high and the virus is widely circulating in the area. Drop the mask mandate early, and you could end up prolonging the Omicron wave, which hurts businesses even more.

At past BoH meetings, there were business owners provide public comment that the mask mandate helps their business because customers feel safer at their stores rather than similar places in neighboring towns without mandates.

Polls have shown that support for the protests in Ottawa are at best 25%, while 65% oppose the protests. 66% of Ottawans still support mask mandates: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/majority-of-ottawa-residents-oppose-freedom-convoy-protest-poll-finds-1.5771778

Johnny Vaught
February 10, 2022 9:22 pm

The Indoor Mask Mandate Set By The Town Alleviates The Pressure From Each Individual Business Being Forced To Set And Enforce Their Own Policy. Support Local Business Owners And Keep Them Safe By Supporting The Indoor Mask Mandate.

Myra Fournier
February 10, 2022 9:11 pm

Just because other towns are doing it, doesn’t make it the right choice. Remember what our mothers used to ask us – “If everyone jumped off the cliff, would you jump too?” Let’s listen to the science, not the complaints of people who are just tired of COVID (as we all are). We might be done with COVID, but it might not be done with us yet. Prince Charles just got it for a second time, even though completely vaccinated. I know we have to learn to live with the virus, but there are still people (including children) getting very sick and being hospitalized. What’s the big deal about wearing a mask?

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