Letter to the Editor:  A Plea to Dog Owners (with Illustration)

~ Submitted by Marge Heckman

This is the sight that has greeted me most days in recent weeks when I walk my dog in the area of Fawn Lake.  My only response to this has been, “Really???”

Colorful ‘poop bags’ abandoned alongside a winterized (aka closed for the season) refuse bin at Fawn Lake ~ Image, Marge Heckman (c) 2022 all rights reserved

It is quite obvious that the trash bins in the Fawn Lake parking lot are not available in the winter months.  Yes, this is an inconvenience for those of us who regularly walk our dogs in this area and no, it is not that big of a deal to carry your poop bag home to deposit it in your own trash bin.

And so my fellow dog owners, I implore you to be considerate of all who enjoy the beauty of Fawn Lake, and please refrain from leaving poop bags lying on the ground for someone else to clean up.  I also remind you that just because there is snow or ice on the ground does not mean that you should not continue to pick up after your dog.  When the snow and ice are gone, the poop remains and is a source of contamination of our local groundwater.

Thanks for your consideration.

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January 23, 2022 9:13 am

Why are the trash barrels covered and not in use? This is also a problem at the town track.
Where is the parks and recreation department? In the Winter time the fields are not being worked on. The surrounding town provide trash receptacles.

January 22, 2022 11:46 am

Thanks for saying something, Marge. I had the same reaction – discust, frustration, and a general feeling of “who, exactly, do they expect to clean up their mess?” If dog owners are too lazy to pick up after their pets on public property please consider getting a cat and staying home. I love my dog but do not expect the DPW to pick up her poop any more than I would expect them to take her to the vet for annual checkups. If this collection is a form of “protest” (i.e. why is the barrel closed for the season?) there are other ways of resolving that issue that doesn’t indicate a complete disregard for everyone else enjoying the walk and view that Fawn Lake offers for all – no matter how many legs you might have.

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