A Celebration of Coming Together

December 18, 2021
Moonrise ~ December 17, 2021, ~ Courtesy image (c) all rights reserved

~ Submitted by Karen and Kalie


Luminaries line Noreen Drive ~ Courtesy image (c) 2021 all rights reserved ~ Click to view the full-sized image

On the evening of December 17th, a glistening silver moon rose over the quiet little town of Bedford. Families gathered inside their homes, having their dinners. Pedestrians drove home for the night’s rest after a day of work. People filed out of the tennis courts, soccer fields, and running track from sports practice.

For the residents of Noreen Drive, though, a party of festive holiday spirits was just beginning. Starting last year, coming outside to talk, share, play, and have fun with your neighbors every mid-December had become an unforgettable tradition in this small corner of Bedford.

Preparing for the party, every house had displayed a set of winter lights outside their door – wreaths, string lights, and projector lights splattered the dark evening with a flurry of bright colors – red, green, white, gold. Maybe the best light of all could’ve been the luminarias lighting the path through the neighborhood.

The luminarias from the Bedford Minuteman Company aren’t just awesome for bringing light to the streets – they would also help light hope to the next grade of students in finding a good college or university by the donations from the Bedford Minuteman Scholarship Fund. It lights up encouragement to the young students of Bedford, that one day may be the ones to come back and make this town a better place.

Adding to the beautiful diverse range of glowing colors, trays of cookies, desserts, and apple cider made the event ever more cheery. Peppermint cookies, mini hot dog rolls, and s’mores bars all contributed to the liveliness. As adults talked, the children played games, running around and meeting new kids. Despite how simple it was, this event brought more joy to the neighborhood than any other fancier party could’ve had.

While there were so many other ways to celebrate the winter holidays, why did the families of Noreen Drive choose this one? Well, they thought it would be a great experience to spend time with their fellow neighbors, especially when they didn’t come together as often on other days.

At the end of the party, it was too hard to say goodbye – the music and the food seemed to continue forever into the late night! This party was more than just a beautiful event of winter lights – it’s much more than that. It brought a connection over the neighborhood of Noreen Drive. It was a time of coming together, a party of celebration. It’s about enjoying the moment with your neighbors.

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