In Memoriam: First Responders Killed on 9/11 Honored in Bedford Ceremony

September 13, 2021
First Responders gathered at the Bedford Fire Station on Saturday to honor their brothers and sisters lost during the 9/11 bombings at the World Trade Center


As part of the Bedford Fire Department’s observance of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Center towers in lower Manhattan, the names of the 412 first responders lost that day were declaimed by their Bedford brothers.

Click this link to read about Saturday’s ceremony

Members of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department who were killed on September 11, 2001

Read by Bedford Police Detective Sergeant Richard Vitale

Supt. Ferdinand V. Morrone, 63; Chief James A. Romito, 51; Lt. Robert D. Cirri, 39; Insp. Anthony P. Infante, Jr., 47; Capt. Kathy Nancy Mazza, 46; Sgt. Robert M. Kaulfers, 49; Donald James McIntyre, 38; Walter Arthur McNeil, 53; Joseph Michael Navas, 44; James Nelson, 40; Alfonse J. Niedermeyer, 40; James Wendell Parham, 32; Dominick A. Pezzulo, 36; Antonio J. Rodrigues, 35; Richard Rodriguez, 31; Bruce Albert Reynolds, 41; Christopher C. Amoroso, 29; Maurice V. Barry, 48; Clinton Davis, Sr., 38; Donald A. Foreman, 53; Gregg J. Froehner, 46; Uhuru Gonga Houston, 32; George G. Howard, 44; Thomas E. Gorman, 41; Stephen Huczko, Jr., 44; Paul William Jurgens, 47; Liam Callahan, 44; Paul Laszczynski, 49; David Prudencio LeMagne, 27; John Joseph Lennon, Jr., 44; John Dennis Levi, 50; James Francis Lynch, 47; John P. Skala, 31; Walwyn W. Stuart, Jr., 28; Kenneth F. Tietjen, 31; Nathaniel Webb, 56; Michael T. Wholly, 34; and K9 Sirius

 The following members of the New York City Police Department were killed on September 11, 2021

Read by Bedford Police Chief Robert Bongiorno

Sgt. Timothy A. Roy, Sr., 36; Sgt. John Gerard Coughlin, 43; Sgt. Rodney C. Gillis, 33; Sgt. Michael S. Curtin, 45; Det. Joseph V. Vigiano, 34; Det. Claude Daniel Richards, 46; Moira Ann Smith, 38 – ; Ramon Suarez, 45; Paul Talty, 40; Santos Valentin, Jr., 39; Walter E. Weaver, 30; Ronald Philip Kloepfer, 39; Thomas M. Langone, 39; James Patrick Leahy, 38; Brian Grady McDonnell, 38; John William Perry, 38 ; Glen Kerrin Pettit, 30; John D’Allara, 47; Vincent Danz, 38; Jerome M. P. Dominguez, 37; Stephen P. Driscoll, 38; Mark Joseph Ellis, 26; and Robert Fazio, Jr., 41.

The following members of the New York State Court Office were killed on September 11, 2001

Captain William Thompson, 51; Senior Court Officer Thomas Jurgens, 27; and Senior Court Officer Mitchel Scott Wallace, 34.

The following members of the New York City Fire Department were killed on September 11, 2001

Read by Bedford Firefighter Christopher Snowdon 

Fire Department Chaplain Mychal Judge; FF Peter J. Ganci Jr., 54; FF William M. Feehan, 71; FF Ronald Paul Bucca, 47; Chief Gerard A. Barbara, 53; Chief Donald J. Burns‚ 61; Chief Matthew Lancelot Ryan, 54; Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell, 46; Chief William McGovern, 49; Chief Richard Prunty, 57; FF Faustino Apostol, Jr., 55; Lt. Thomas O’Hagan, 43; Chief John P. Williamson, 46; Chief Orio Palmer, 45; Lt. Stephen G. Harrell, 44; Lt. Philip Scott Petti, 43; Chief Thomas Patrick DeAngelis,; FF Thomas McCann, 45; Chief Dennis Lawrence Devlin, 51; Chief Edward F. Geraghty, 45; Lt. Charles William Garbarini, 44; FF Carl Asaro, 39; FF Alan D. Feinberg, 48; FF Chief John M. Paolillo, 51; FF Chief Frederick Claude Scheffold, Jr; Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta, 44; Lt. Geoffrey E. Guja, 49; Lt. Anthony Jovic, 39; Chief Joseph Grzelak, 52; FF Michael Leopoldo Bocchino, ; Chief John Moran, 42; Chief Lawrence T. Stack, 58; Chief Dennis Cross, 60; Chief Joseph Ross Marchbanks, Jr, ; Capt. Joseph D. Farrelly, 47; Capt. Thomas Moody, 45; Capt. Timothy M. Stackpole, 42; Chief Thomas Theodore Haskell, Jr., ; Capt. Martin J. Egan, Jr., 36; Capt. William O’Keefe, 48; Lt. Andrew Desperito, 43; FF Michael T. Weinberg, 34; FF Calixto Anaya, Jr, 35; FF James C. Riches, 29; FF Thomas G. Schoales, 27; FF Paul A. Tegtmeier, 41; FF Manuel Del Valle, Jr, 32; FF Paul Beyer, 37; FF Thomas Holohan, 36; FF William R. Johnston, 31; FF Robert Parro, 35; Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas, 44; FF Jeffrey James Olsen, 31; FF Paul Pansini, 34; Capt. William Francis Burke, Jr., ; FF Thomas Anthony Casoria, 29; FF Michael J. Elferis, 27; FF Vincent D. Kane, 37; FF Martin E. McWilliams, 35; FF Robert McPadden, 30; FF James Nicholas Pappageorge, ; FF Hector Luis Tirado, Jr., 30; FF Mark P. Whitford, 31; Capt. Thomas Farino, 37; FF Dana R Hannon, 29; FF Robert W. Spear, Jr., 30; Lt. Kevin Pfeifer, 42; FF David Arce, 36; FF Michael Boyle, 37; and FF Robert Evans.

Read by Bedford Firefighter Daly

FF Keithroy Marcellus Maynard, ; FF John Giordano, 47; Lt. John F. Ginley, 37; FF Kevin Bracken, 37; FF Michael D. D’Auria, 25; FF Bruce Gary, 51; FF Michael F. Lynch, 30; FF Steven Mercado, 38; FF Paul John Gill, 34; FF Jose Guadalupe, 37; FF Leonard Ragaglia, 36; FF Christopher Santora, 23; Lt. Peter L. Freund, 45; FF Robert Lane, 28; FF Christopher Mozzillo, 27; FF Stephen P. Russell, 40; Lt. Robert B. Nagel, 55; FF Ruben D. Correa, 44; Lt. Paul Richard Martini, 37; FF Gregory Joseph Buck, 37; FF Christopher Pickford, 32; FF John Albert Schardt, 34; Lt. Robert Francis Wallace, 43; FF Karl Henry Joseph, 25; FF Shawn Edward Powell, 32; FF Kevin O. Reilly, 28; Lt. Carl John Bedigian, 35; FF John Joseph Florio, 33; FF Michael Edward Roberts, 31; FF Kenneth Thomas Watson, 39; FF Daniel Suhr, 37; Lt. Kenneth Phelan, 41; FF Steven Coakley, 36; FF Neil Joseph Leavy, 34; FF John Chipura, 39; FF David Paul DeRubbio, 38; FF Brian McAleese, 36; FF Stanley S. Smagala, Jr., 36; Lt. Brian G. Ahearn, 43; FF Frank Bonomo, 42; FF Michael Scott Carlo, 34; FF Jeffrey Stark, 30; FF Eugene Whelan, 31; FF Edward James White III, 30; Lt. Steven Bates, 42; FF Nicholas Paul Chiofalo, 39; FF Francis Esposito, 32; FF Lee S. Fehling, 28; FF Lawrence G. Veling, 44; FF Lt. Glenn E. Wilkinson, 46; FF Ronnie Lee Henderson, 52; FF Michael Ragusa, 29; FF Anthony Rodriguez, 36; FF Raymond R. York, 45; FF Chief John Fanning, 54; Lt. John A. Crisci, 48; FF Dennis M. Carey, 51; FF Martin N. DeMeo, 47; FF Thomas Gardner, 39; FF Jonathan R. Hohmann, 48; FF Dennis Scauso, 46; FF Kevin Joseph Smith, 47; Capt. Frederick Ill, Jr, 49; FF Michael J. Clarke, 27; FF George DiPasquale, 33; FF Denis P. Germain, 33; FF Daniel Edward Harlin, 41; FF Carl Molinaro, 32; FF Dennis Michael Mulligan, 32; Capt. Patrick J. Brown, 48; and Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly, 43.

Read by Bedford Firefighter Cabral

FF Michael Carroll, 39; FF James Raymond Coyle, 26; FF Gerard Dewan, 35; FF Jeffrey John Giordano, 45; FF Joseph Maloney, 45; FF John Kevin McAvoy, 47; FF Timothy Patrick McSweeney; FF Joseph J. Ogren, 30; FF Steven John Olson, 38; Capt. David Terence Wooley, 54; Lt. Daniel O’Callaghan, 42; FF Joseph Angelini, Jr, 38; FF Peter Brennan, 30; FF Michael E. Brennan, 27; FF Michael Haub, 34; FF Michael F. Lynch, 33; FF Samuel Oitice, 45; FF John James Tipping II, 33; Lt. Vincent Francis Giammona, 40; Lt. Michael Warchola, 51; FF Louis Arena, 32; FF Andrew Brunn, 28; FF Thomas Hannafin, 36; FF Paul Hanlon Keating, 38; FF John A. Santore, 49; FF Gregory Thomas Saucedo, 31; Capt. Vernon Allan Richard, 53; FF George Cain, 35; FF Robert Joseph Foti, 42; FF Charles Mendez, 38; FF Richard Muldowney Jr, 40; FF Vincent Princiotta, 39; Lt. Vincent Gerard Halloran, 43; FF Gerard Baptiste, 35; FF John P. Tierney, 27; FF Jeffrey P. Walz, 37; FF Sean Patrick Tallon, 26; Lt. Michael Quilty, 42; FF Michael F. Cammarata, 22; FF Edward James Day, 45; FF John F. Heffernan, 37; FF Richard John Kelly, Jr, 50; FF Robert King, Jr, 36; FF Matthew Rogan, 37; FF Angel L. Juarbe, Jr, 35; FF Michael D. Mullan, 34; Capt. Walter G. Hynes, 46; FF Thomas Hetzel, 33; FF Dennis McHugh, 34; FF Thomas E. Sabella, 44; FF Gregory Stajk, 46; Lt. Joseph Gerard Leavey, 45; FF Richard Lanard Allen, 30; FF Arthur Thaddeus Barry, 35; FF Thomas W. Kelly, 50; FF Scott Kopytko, 32; FF Scott Larsen, 35; FF Douglas E. Oelschlager, 36; FF Eric T. Olsen, 41; Lt. Raymond E. Murphy, 46; FF Robert Curatolo, 31; Capt. John R. Fischer, 46; FF John Patrick Burnside, 36; FF James Michael Gray, 34; FF Sean S. Hanley, 35; FF David Laforge, 50; FF Robert Thomas Linnane, 33; FF Robert D. McMahon, 35; FF Gerald T. Atwood, 38; FF Gerard Duffy, 53; FF Keith Glascoe, 38; FF Joseph Henry, 25; and FF William E. Krukowski, 36.

Read by Bedford Firefighter Loreth

FF Benjamin Suarez, 34; Capt. Daniel J. Brethel, 43; FF Stephen Elliot Belson, 51; Lt. Glenn C. Perry, 41; FF Matthew Barnes, 37; FF John Michael Collins, 42; FF Kenneth Kumpel, 42; FF Robert Minara, 54; FF Joseph Rivelli, 43; FF Paul G. Ruback, 50; FF John Marshall, 35; Capt. Frank Callahan, 51; FF James Andrew Giberson, 43; FF Vincent S. Morello, 34; FF Michael Otten, 42; FF Michael Roberts, 30; FF Joseph Spor, Jr., 35; FF Peter Alexander Bielfeld, 44; Lt. Joseph Gullickson, 37; FF Patrick Byrne, 39; FF Salvatore B. Calabro, 38; FF Brian Cannizzaro, 30; FF Thomas J. Kennedy, 36; FF Joseph Maffeo, 31; FF Terence A. McShane, 37; Capt. Vincent Brunton, 43; FF Thomas Richard Kelly, 39; FF Henry Alfred Miller, Jr, 51; FF Dennis O’Berg, 28; FF Frank Anthony Palombo, 46; Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan, 39; Lt. Robert M. Regan, 48; FF Joseph Agnello, 35; FF Vernon Paul Cherry, 49; FF Scott Matthew Davidson, 33; FF Leon Smith, Jr., 48; FF Peter Anthony Vega, 36; FF Christian Michael Otto Regenhard; FF Andrew Jordan, 36; FF Michael Kiefer, 25; FF Thomas Mingione, 34; FF John T. Vigiano II, 36; FF Sergio Villanueva, 33; FF Michael Joseph Cawley, 32; Capt. Terence S. Hatton, 41; Lt. Dennis Mojica, 50; FF Joseph Angelini, Sr., 63; FF Gary Geidel, 44; FF William Henry, 49; FF Kenneth Joseph Marino, 40; FF Michael Montesi, 39; FF Gerard Terence Nevins, 46; FF Patrick J. O’Keefe, 44; FF Brian Edward Sweeney, 29; FF David M. Weiss, 41; Lt. Peter C. Martin, 43; FF William David Lake, 44; FF Daniel F. Libretti, 43; FF John Napolitano, 32; FF Kevin O’Rourke, 44; FF Lincoln Quappe, 38; FF Edward Rall, 44; FF Christopher Joseph Blackwell, ; FF Thomas Foley, 32; FF Thomas Gambino, Jr., 48; FF Raymond Meisenheimer, 46; FF Donald J. Regan, 47; FF Gerard Patrick Schrang, 45; Capt. Brian Hickey, 47; Lt. Kevin Dowdell, 46; FF Terrence Patrick Farrell, 45; FF William J. Mahoney, 37; and FF Peter Allen Nelson, 42.

Read by Bedford Fire Lt. D. Bauman

FF Durrell V. Pearsall, 34; Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi, 45; Lt. Harvey Harrell, 49; Lt. Joseph A. Mascali, 44; FF John P. Bergin, 39; FF Carl Vincent Bini, 44; FF Michael Curtis Fiore, 46; FF Andre G. Fletcher, 37; FF Douglas Charles Miller, 34; FF Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo, 33; FF Nicholas P. Rossomando, 35; FF Allan Tarasiewicz, 45; FF Robert J. Crawford, 62; Chief Raymond Matthew Downey; Chief Charles Kasper, 54; Capt. Patrick J. Waters, 44; Lt. Timothy Higgins, 43; Lt. Michael Thomas Russo, Sr, 44; Capt. James M. Amato, 43; Lt. Edward A. D’Atri, 38; Lt. Michael Esposito, 41; Lt. Michael N. Fodor, 53; FF Brian Bilcher, 37; FF Gary Box, 37; FF Thomas M. Butler, 37; FF Peter Carroll, 42; FF Robert Cordice, 28; FF David J. Fontana, 37; FF Matthew David Garvey, 37; FF Stephen Gerard Siller, 34; Lt. William E. McGinn, 43; FF Eric Allen, 44; FF Andrew Fredericks, 40; FF David Halderman, 40; FF Timothy Haskell, 34; FF Manuel Mojica, 37; FF Lawrence Virgilio, 38; Lt. Michael K. Healey, 42; FF Thomas Patrick Cullen III, 31; FF Robert Hamilton, 43; FF Michael J. Lyons, 32; FF Gregory Sikorsky, 34; FF R. Bruce Van Hine, 48; FF Tarel Coleman, 32; FF Thomas Kuveikis, 48; FF Peter J. Langone, 41; FF Patrick Lyons, 34; FF Kevin Prior, 28; Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin, 42; FF Ronnie E. Gies, 43; FF Joseph Hunter, 31; FF Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29; FF Adam David Rand, 30; FF Timothy Matthew Welty, 34; Paramedic Carlos R. Lillo, 37; and Paramedic Ricardo J. Quinn, 40.

The following is the only member of the New York Fire Patrol killed on September 11, 2001

Keith Roma

The following members of private EMS organizations were killed on September 11, 2001

Paramedic Keith Fairben, 24; EMT Richard Pearlman; Paramedic Mario Santoro, 28; EMT Amel Merino, 24; EMT Mohammad Salman Hamdani; EMT Marc Sullins; EMT Mark Schwartz; and EMT Jeff Simpson.

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