Summer, 2021 ~ What Does Bedford Think?

August 24, 2021

The summer of 2021, has there ever been a summer with higher expectations than this one?  With the success of the vaccination rollout last spring, things were looking like the pandemic was behind us.  People were booking trips, renting cottages, buying concert tickets, heading out to eat, and more. 

But it’s always good to keep one’s expectations in check.  For all high hopes of the spring, reality has a way of keeping you humble. This summer featured the Delta variant, just when you thought it was safe to go inside – (queue the sound of screeching brakes!).  We learned a new term: “breakthrough cases.” It’s still not as scary as 2020 but hardly the carefree summer we were all anticipating.  Vaccinated people were told they were:….safe… safer…better off than the unvaccinated…you might want to wear a mask…wear a mask! 

Add to that, Mother Nature decided that the summer of 2021 was a great time to overcompensate for last year’s drought.  If 1967 was the summer of love, 2021 was the summer of the umbrella. 

How much rain is enough!  All that rain meant the lawn needed to be cut daily it seemed, as well as the added joy of a bumper crop of mosquitoes.  Since we live in Bedford, whose unofficial town bug is the mosquito, the mosquitoes said, “thank you very much!” The mosquitoes were downright biblical at various parts of the summer.   

When you finally decided it was safe to go out to eat in a restaurant, you were hit with staff shortages.  These staffing issues brought some serious problems for some of our local eateries: shortened hours, closed days. limited menus, and more. 

Spring even taunted us with the Red Sox in first place.

Still, a lot of good things happened.

So what does Bedford think about the summer we just had?

  1. Better than I hoped for
  2. About what I hoped for
  3. Worse than I hoped for
  4. Awful

Ready to be counted? Vote in the poll until noon next Saturday. You’ll find the poll on The Citizen’s main page, or by scrolling down on your phone or tablet

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