Current Opportunities to Serve on Appointed Boards and Committees

Bedford’s Volunteer Coordinating Committee seeks qualified candidates for all appointive offices in the Town, except for appointees who work full or part-time for remuneration, and except for appointments to the Volunteer Coordinating Committee.

Interested residents are invited to call a member of the Volunteer Coordinating Committee to indicate an interest in serving, or to learn more about a committee, the time commitment involved, and the appointment process.

Download an application and save it to your desktop to be able to type on the document, or print the form and complete it by hand. Return it to the Town Manager’s Office, Town Hall at 10 Mudge Way, or email it to [email protected].

The following opportunities were listed on June 15, 2021 Click each committee name to visit its page on the Town’s website.

Arbor Resources (BARC)
1 vacancy
BARC’s purpose is to inform the Selectmen and other Boards regarding the nature, quality, and condition of Bedford’s arbor resources and the advisability of town actions or approvals which will affect those resources

Bedford 300 ExploratoryTask Force
2 vacancies
The purpose of the Task Force will be to recommend to the Selectmen a preliminary plan for the celebration of the Town’s 300th anniversary of incorporation as a municipality

Community Media Committee
1 vacancy
The purpose of the committee is to advise the Selectmen on matters pertaining to the development and delivery of Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) access programming including licensing and operation of cable television in the Town.

Conservation Commission
1 vacancy
The purpose of the commission is to protect the environmental resources in the Town through administration and enforcement of relevant state law and Town Bylaws and through management of properties acquired for conservation purposes.

Council on Aging
1 vacancy
The purpose of the Council on Aging is to coordinate and carry out programs designed to meet the needs of the aging and their care providers in the Town of Bedford

Cultural Council
2 vacancies
To support public projects through the regranting of the annual allocation of funds from the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC). These projects shall promote access, education, diversity, and excellence in the arts, humanities

Energy and Sustainability Committee
1 vacancy
The Energy and Sustainability Committee will proactively identify and advise the Selectmen on policies and procedures to efficiently and effectively manage municipal and school energy expenditures and reduce community greenhouse gas emissions.

Hanscom Area Towns Committee
1 vacancy
The purpose of the Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS) is to coordinate the policies and activities of the four towns that contain Hanscom Field (Bedford, Concord, Lexington, and Lincoln) in their relationships with the major organizations that operate in the Hanscom Field area.  These include the U. S. Air Force, the National Park Service, the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport), Lincoln Laboratories, and private corporations.

Historic District Commission 
2 alternate vacancies
The Commission shall ensure that no building or structure within the Historic District is erected, changed as to exterior color features, demolished or removed without the approval of the Commission and that no sign is installed or landscaping undertaken in the Historic District which is subject to view from a public way without the approval of the Commission.

Historic Preservation Commission
1 vacancy
The purpose of the Commission is to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the public through the preservation and protection of the distinctive characteristics of the buildings, places, and sites

Municipal Affordable Housing Trust
1 vacancy
The Municipal Affordable Housing Trust shall work towards the creation and preservation of affordable housing in Bedford for the benefit of low and moderate income householders.

Petitioners Advisory Committee
1 vacancy
The members of this committee shall aid those Town citizens who require assistance in preparing petitioners warrant articles for Annual or Special Town Meetings.

Trails Committee
1 Vacancy
The role of the Trails Committee is to plan, implement, improve and maintain public trails within Bedford Conservation Areas, other municipal lands, and on private properties with permission from the landowner.

Transportation Advisory Committee
1 Vacancy
To examine, evaluate and advise the Selectmen regarding board actions and measures that will improve overall resident mobility, expand the use of non-automobile based methods of local and regional transportation, and improve

Youth and Family Services Committee
3 Vacancies
The purpose of the Youth and Family Services Committee is to advise the Town about programs and services in support of its mission, which is to identify and address the social, emotional, and developmental needs of children, youths.

Zoning Board of Appeals
1 full member and 1 associate vacancy
The Board shall hold public hearings to consider petitions for a variance or special permit and public hearings on appeals brought to the board by anyone aggrieved by a decision of the Zoning Enforcement Officer or the Inspector of Buildings.

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Sandra Hackman
June 21, 2021 11:26 am

Thanks to the VCC for posting these listings. The descriptions of the committees seem a little out of date. Can we get the latest wording from the revised charter and bylaws approved at Annual Town Meeting in May? Thank you.

Susan Harris
June 20, 2021 11:40 am

It might be helpful to add time commitment to the description of volunteer opportunities

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