Each Annual Town Meeting Warrant Article Has its Own Descriptive Video Link!

With thanks to everyone involved, each of the Warrant Articles listed below is linked to a short ‘public service announcement’ to help readers prepare for Bedford’s May 15  Annual Town Meeting.

Warrant for 2021 Annual Meeting

Article #2 Debate Rules

Article #3 Consent Article

Article #4 Bills of Prior Year

Article #5  General Bylaw Amendment – Revolving Funds

Article #6 Revolving Funds Expenditure Limits

Article #7 Community Preservation Budget – Fiscal Year 2022

Article #8 Operating Budgets – Fiscal Year 2022

Article #9 Ambulance Enterprise Budget – Fiscal Year 2022

Article #10 PEG Access and Cable Expense Related Budget- Fiscal Year 2022

Article #11 Supplement Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 and Articles of the 2020 Annual Town Meeting

Article 12 Salary Administration Plan Bylaw Bylaw Amendment – Classification and Wage

Article #13 Salary Plan Additional Funding

Article #14 Appropriate Funds for Bedford Police Officers Association Collective Bargaining Agreement – FY2021-FY2023

Article #15 Appropriate Funds for Transportation Infrastructure Fund

Article #16 Supplement Accrued Leave Fund

Article #17 Stabilization Fund

Article #18 Free Cash

Article #19 Proposed Fiscal Year 2022 Capital 2022 Projects Plan

Article #20 Bond Authorization – Police Station Addition/Renovation

Article #21 Bond Authorization – HVAC Replacement – Bedford Free Public Library

Article #22 Bond Authorization – Inflow/Infilitration

Article #23 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Accessory Dwelling Units

Article #24 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Accessory Dwelling Units: Bonus for Universal Design or Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Article #25 Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Assisted Living Overlay District

Article #26 Zoning Map Amendment – Assisted Living Overlay District

Article #27 Zoning Map Amendment – Site Plan Approval

Article #28 General Bylaw Amendment – Universal Changes and Housekeeping Changes

Article #29  General Bylaw Amendment – Clarifying of Substantive Changes

Article #30 General Bylaw Amendment – Article 49, Control and Management of Hazardous Materials

Article #31 General Bylaw Amendment – Proposed New Article, Bedford Arbor Resources Committee

Article #32 General Bylaw Amendment – Proposed New Article, Patriotic Holiday Committee

Article #33 General Bylaw Amendment – Proposed New Article, Energy and Sustainability Committee

Article #34 Indigenous Peoples Day Recognition

Article #35 Disabled and Senior Tax Relief Fund

Article #36 Street Acceptance – Irene Road

Article #37 Acceptance of Grant of Open Space – Irene Road

Article #38 Acceptance of M.G.L., Ch. 41, Sec 110A

Article #39  300th Anniversary Stabilization Fund Appropriation

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