Letter to the Editor: Supporting Armen Zildjian for Planning Board

February 19, 2021

Submitted by Michael McAllister

I have had the pleasure of knowing Armen for nearly a decade, first as a fellow parent and later as a friend.  In the time I have come to know him, I have learned that he possesses several important qualities that will serve him well as an elected representative on Bedford’s Planning Board:

  1. Ability to Engage Others: I first met Armen in his capacity as my son’s soccer coach.  His dedication to the families of Bedford was evident from the very start — he took time to know each player’s name and connect with every one of us from the first practice.  As I have come to know Armen over time, I realize this was not just a Saturday morning hobby; it reflects his genuine interest in others and his ability to make everyone feel like part of the same team.  In his professional capacity at Drift he engages people, brings them together, and mobilizes the entire organization towards a similar cause.  As a member of the Planning Board he will have to reach out to stakeholders, bring them into conversations that will impact them, and ensure their voice is heard.  I am confident in his ability to do so.
  2. Dedication to Service: Despite his personal and professional successes in life, Armen brings an uncommon humility.  It is service that motivates him, not credit.  Whether it is in the youth soccer program, the boy scouts, or as a member of his fraternal organization Armen is always there — behind the scenes — doing whatever is necessary to support others.  As a member of the Planning Board he will have to represent others; not pushing a personal agenda but crafting a mutual agenda.  I am confident in his ability to do so.

Fortunately for us, these are qualities that Armen possesses in spades.  I have seen them for many years in the past, and you can have the chance to see them as well for a 3-year term by casting your vote on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at the John Glenn Middle School.  I hope you will join me at the polls to support a good man like Armen M. Zildjian.

(Mike McAllister is a member of The Bedford Citizen’s Board of Directors. Views expressed in this Letter to the Editor are his and do not reflect the views of The Bedford Citizen.)


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