Letter to the Editor: A Word from Members of the Bedford Interfaith Clergy Network

January 8, 2021

Submitted by Bedford Interfaith Clergy Network

Jan. 8, 2021—Like many of you, we watched Wednesday’s events unfold in Washington DC with hearts full of sadness, anger, and deep concern.  We accept that public protests of strongly felt grievances can at times become disorderly and chaotic.  But what can never be tolerated in civil society is the use of violence to threaten, intimidate, or disrupt the functioning and continuity of elected representatives doing the People’s business. That is not protest.  That is an effort to undermine the very sources of our common liberty: our Constitution and those sworn to uphold it on our behalf.  We condemn such violence in no uncertain terms.

Our prayers today are with all those who live and work in our nation’s capital.  We give thanks for those who helped restore safety and order, allowing our representatives to continue their work on all of our behalf.  We pray for the recovery of those injured in body, mind, or spirit.  We mourn for those who have died.  We commend this nation to God in our prayers in the coming days.

We note that among the many images and symbols used by those who stormed the Capitol was the Bedford Flag.  While we do not know who chose to use that symbol or why, it is one that many of us hold dear in this community.   Among the many disturbing questions the Bedford Flag’s appearance there raises is why this violent uprising, which included several symbols of white supremacist movements such as nooses and Confederate flags, also included our flag.  As those charged with our spiritual leadership, we decry the use of the Bedford Flag in this way.

As we continue to pray for the peaceful transition of power, we invite each of us in our community, with whatever strong opinions and beliefs we may hold, to recommit ourselves to engaging our common life in ways that promote civility, constructive conversation, and the common good.

Bedford’s Interfaith Clergy Network includes Rabbi Susan Abramson; Pastor John Castricum; Tracy Claudio, HPs; Rev. John Gibbons; Rev. Annie Gonzalez Milliken; Bishop Jared Koyle; The Rev. Christopher Wendell; and Rev. Alexx Wood

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Richard Eikelkboom
January 12, 2021 3:37 pm

we all have the right to demonstrate but not to riot and damage property of others

Richard Eikelkboom
January 10, 2021 3:07 pm

Hello to all the folks that live in Bedford mass or have lived in Massachusetts. If persons or persons unknown carried the battle flag of Bedford Massachusetts into the state capital of map of the United States it’s not the first time that flag is been there but we were at war with England. The acts of violence are not a good thing it violates the Constitution damaged the house rent house and Senate building and defaced the file to sanctity of the institution. If anybody knows who these people are perhaps they need to notify the FBI and the local police of who they are so that they can take appropriate actions.
I know as people of this country have a right to demonstrate what they think is wrong but this is not right . The Constitution does give all of us seeing annual alienable rights but not to engage in riots and destruction as was demonstrated this past summer and a lot of the major cities around this country on the black lives matter situation.
I know when these riots started in the summer on Facebook it was a statement for people looking to riot and cause mayhem news phone number to call and if they call they get paid for going. I went back to look for it was gone which implies that Facebook removed it. If there was a similar posting on Facebook I did not see it for this trump thing this month. I do know what I heard was that Pres. trump deliberately incited the riots. As he did this past summer. When Mr. Trump was elected four years ago I was afraid we would have problems we are having problems with had four years of problems he was he’s been texting he’s been hiring and firing his staff like to worthless. And now that he has done this all some of his cabinet folks have resigned including the US Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa he has resigned because he has no way to represent Mr. Trump.
If Mr. Trump would like to say okay I will resign and go back to my hotel in new New York or Florida and let Mr. Pentz take over. Yes he has for you for two weeks left of his turn but he would do himself a big favor reducing this honor to himself and family if he was to resign and realize what he is done. I would support that he resign and go back to wherever that’s all he does is hire and fire people.
I am proud to be from Bedford Massachusetts where I (1966 basic training at Lackland Air Force Base. I have been back several times town has changed but it still putting much the same.
I like getting the Bedford citizen in my email I enjoy reading some of the things that have gone on in the past weeks so anyhow if I remember properly the library used to be located on the great road and in the basement of that building I guess the police departments there now it was a big old safe the only thing in it was the Bedford battle flight and everybody should be proud of their heritage in that town.

Yours respectfully
Richard J. Eikllboom

PS for information of the church I had my confirmation at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in bed thank you.

Dr. Dianne Bridgeman
January 10, 2021 11:49 am

Thank you for expressing that so well.

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