Library Trustees ~ August Short Takes

Although the Bedford Free Public Library isn’t yet able to reopen, the Library staff are using their creative skills to constantly come up with ways to serve you better in these parlous times.

Re-opening Date
When the Library Trustees met on August 11, they were hoping to hear a definite “reopen” date. This was not to be. Director Callaghan said he felt less confident about a firm date than he had a few weeks earlier, given the uptick in Covid-19.  Both staff and the Short Tpublic are rallying and the use of ebooks is literally going through the roof. The “grab and go” curbside pickup of books is working so well that an additional Saturday morning pickup time of 10 to 12 noon will start September 12.

Have no fear of fines!  Callaghan suspended all fines on the day the Library closed on March 14 and will not reinstate them until the building is again open-and-possibly, not even then. The Trustees voted to revisit the question of fines when the building is reopened and to support the Director in his decision to suspend fines.

On-Line Review of New Books
Pamela Aghababian has devised an online browsing feature so readers can look over new books, both fiction and non-fiction.  No, it isn’t quite the same as in-person browsing,  a Library activity prized by many, but readers are happy with this innovative substitute. Here is a link:

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Enhanced Wi-Fi Service
A recent upgrade to services is an increase in the number of Wi-Fi access points from 6 to 18.  The previous system was nearly 10 years old and needed to be updated to accommodate the many devices that patrons use in the building.  But did you know that the Library Wi-Fi extends outside, around the perimeter of the building? You can literally sit on one of the benches, put your lawn chair on the grass, or stay in your car, and tap into the Library resources.

The addition of more Wi-Fi access points was made possible through the Edward Stickney Fund, according to Director Richard Callaghan.  Both Evelyn and Ed Stickney were devoted supporters and Library volunteers all their lives and Ed was a part-time custodian for some years. Upon their deaths, they left an unrestricted bequest to the Bedford Free Public Library Corporation.  Costs associated with expanding the WiFi access were paid from the Stickney Fund, with no expense to the Town. The primary goal of the project was to improve service inside the building but staff are happy that patrons can use it outdoors as well. The Wi-Fi network is BFPL-Wireless and no password is required.

The Bees
During this uncertain time, have you wondered about the fate of the bee hive on the roof of the building?  Yes, it’s still there but mysteriously the queen bee recently disappeared!  The company that cares for the hive has been in attendance and a new queen is now in the hive.  All is well.

Grab and Go in Cold Weather – Inside/Curbside
If Bedford’s buildings remain closed when the weather changes, Assistant Director Noreen O’Gara reported on a scheme to deliver books when outdoor pickup is not feasible.  She calls it “Inside/Curbside.”  Patrons will request titles as usual but the actual pickup will happen in the Library Meeting Room, with a one-way entrance and exit path. O’Gara said the main floor of the building is now almost entirely taken over with the book-packing operation, both outgoing bags and incoming (returned) books.  Returned books are quarantined for 72 hours so do not be alarmed if a book still appears to be checked out to you. There is a time lag before they are actually checked-in.

Follow the Trustee Meetings at Home
The Library Trustees meet via Zoom. All meetings are open to the public and you only need to check on the town website to find the date, agenda, and zoom link for the next meeting, which is set for Tuesday, September 8.

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