Census Flash ~ US Population Topped 330,000,000 on July 24

On July 23 the Census Bureau expects the population of the United States to top out at 330 million, and on  July 24, The US Population Clock read 330,003,650. A net gain of an additional person every 16 seconds.

Meantime, the 2020 Census is still a work in progress and if you haven’t filled out the form for your household, you will soon be receiving a reminder postcard. This will be the final mailing before census takers begin visiting nonresponding households across the nation in mid-August.

The Census Bureau strongly encourages the public to respond online at 2020census.gov. Households can respond online or by phone in English or 12 other languages and can also respond by mail using the paper questionnaire that was mailed in April to most nonresponding addresses. Households can continue to respond on their own until these visits conclude on October 31.

Although Covid-19 wreaked havoc with the Bureau’s carefully planned campaign to get an accurate count of everyone in America, the agency has reacted in nimble fashion. The timeline may have changed but the goal is still same. The Census must be completed by December 31. Then begins the enormous task of aggregating the data and getting an accurate picture of the United States.  The Bureau assures all respondents that Census data is confidential and will not be used by other government agencies, such as Immigration, to identify individuals.

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