Letter to the Editor: Supporting Bopha Malone

March 13, 2020

By Joe & Jeanie Piantedosi

We highly recommend Bopha Malone for one of the two open positions on the Bedford Select Board at the March 14th election.  Bopha has an extensive and proven business background as a VP in the banking industry along with serving as a trustee for three nonprofit organizations: Middlesex Community College, Circle Health and her alma mater, Lesley University where she received her Master’s degree in Business Management.  She accomplished all of this despite the huge obstacles she faced coming to our country at the age of nine as a Cambodian refugee, learning our culture and our language. She is married to Tom Malone, and they have two young children in the Bedford school system.

Some of the many qualities we admire most about Bopha is her outreach to hundreds of Bedford residents where she asked for their input about our town and suggestions of how she could improve it, which is how we met her.   Her extensive professional background along with her willingness to listen and assist others will make her a Select Board member, we will all be proud of.  Please join us in voting for Bopha for Select Board on March 14th.

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Letter to the Editor Supporting Bopha Malone

March 6, 2020

I am writing to support Bopha Malone in her candidacy for Bedford’s Select Board. As a teacher for more than 16 years in a neighboring town, I have seen firsthand the important role town government plays in strengthening the community and supporting families.

In the time that I have known her, Bopha has impressed me as an open, engaging, and accessible individual. She has worked tirelessly to meet and connect with as many people as possible, going door to door to hundreds of homes in Bedford, and asking residents to share their concerns with her at informal gatherings. I am confident that she will go out of her way to be a visible part of the community and continue to go out of her way to listen to the concerns and needs of the people of Bedford.

Her business experience as a bank relationship manager and business advisor will help her in the role, connecting people to resources. Just as importantly, she has extensive experience leading and serving on the boards of non-profit organizations and educational institutions and knows how to get things done.

Bedford has become a wonderfully diverse community, with more than 50 languages spoken in the schools, but our town government does no yet reflect that diversity. I believe that there is real value in including many perspectives in our local government and fresh perspectives and ideas.

I urge the people of Bedford to vote for Bopha for Select Board member on March 14. We all will benefit from her perspective, her willingness to listen, and her wealth of experience.

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