Letter to the Editor: Bedford Opts Up—A Green Wave Growing in Town

October 7, 2019

 Submitted by Bedford Mother’s Out Front

The Community Choice Aggregation of electricity that the Town of Bedford negotiated and approved started in August. This town-wide purchasing agreement has enabled the majority of Bedford residents to receive 5% more renewable energy in addition to the 14% Eversource is required by the State to provide.
Besides contributing to the reduction of  harmful carbon emissions—a huge benefit for all of us who care about our children’s futures—this program provides additional options and benefits to which most of us may not have given much thought. For more information about Bedford’s program, please check the website (https://bedfordcca.com/).
Many people know that Bedford’s plan offers additional 50% and 100% green energy OPT UP options to all residents. These have been negotiated at reasonable prices. Opting Up to renewable electricity creates market demand. It sends a clear message to suppliers that the public wants new sources of clean electricity and that it is their job to develop that supply. Local sources are the best, because they provide new jobs and economic stability for the region, especially as dirtier energy industries are phased out. As the renewable electricity market is developed, people get the reasonably priced wind and solar options they want. Opting up allows everyone an economical way to do something about the climate crisis. 
52 Bedford residents have already decided to OPT UP.  It is easy. It is safe. And it may even provide you some opportunities for tax deductions!  All you need to do is go to the website (https://bedfordcca.com/opt-up/) and click on the option you want (50% or 100%) and confirm that by clicking on the box stating you want Bedford Premium Local Green. Have your Eversource bill in hand. The site also lists answers to common questions you might have (https://bedfordcca.com/faq/), including information about tax deductibility.
Given all the scams for green electricity in recent years, residents may be understandably reluctant to choose these higher green energy mixes. However, the OPT UP program is legitimate!  It was negotiated by the Town Manager and her staff, approved by the Board of Selectmen, and has been put in place as a benefit to Town residents. Community choice aggregation of electricity (collective energy purchases like Bedford’s) is currently done by over 150 cities and towns in Massachusetts.  These communities understand the cost benefits of group purchase. Thanks to such town aggregation efforts, residents can make wise choices for renewable electricity to help preserve a liveable climate for our children without fear of scams and without breaking the bank! 
We hope you will join the many people who are OPTING UP to 50-100% Renewable Electricity today.

OpEd & Letters to the Editor

Editor’s Note: The Bedford Citizen now posts both OpEd messages and Letters to the Editor. OpEd messages will express the writer’s particular expertise on issues that may have a wider focus than simply Bedford. Letters to the Editor will continue to share opinions and perspectives from residents about local matters. Both OpEd and Letters to the Editor posts reflect only the writer’s point of view.

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