Bedford Day 2018 ~ In Pictures

September 23, 2018
Citizen of the Year Meredith McCulloch (c) with (l-r) State Rep Ken Gordon, Chief Master Sergeant Henry Hayes, Ann Guay, Margot Fleischman, State Sen. Mike Barrett, Bill Moonan, Michael Devin representing Congressman Seth Moulton, Caroline Fedele, Sarah Scoville, Colonel Chad Ellsworth – Image JMcCT, 2018 all rights reserved

Compiled by The Bedford Citizen

Dozens of terrific photographs are in the queue, waiting to be processed and posted. The Citizen begs your forbearance and hopes you will check back later in the day to see the full set in all its glory.

In the meantime, a couple of early submissions to tantalize you:

Bedford Day was, in part, about little kids and dogs. Will Barry gets to know Maisie the Grey – Image (c) Andrea Cleghorn, 2018 all rights reserved


And bigger kids raising funds for the Class of 2021 – Tim Bennett takes one for the team – Image (c) Andrea Cleghorn, 2018 all rights reserved


With the 2018 varsity soccer team ready to hit the button and dunk him, Alex Oleksinski is literally ready to take one from his team for the Class of 2020 – Image (c) JMcCT, 2018 all rights reserved


And there was food – cotton candy was everywhere – Image (c) Jeff JHO Hoyland, 2018 all rights reserved


To say nothing of lawmakers and candidates – State Rep Ken Gordon (far right), gubernatorial candidate Jay Gonzales, and co-chair of the Bedford Democratic Committee Shawn Hanegan listen to Sarah Lance and Chris Anderson, representing Mothers Out Front – Image (c) Bob Dorer, 2018 all rights reserved


By tradition, the day began with a parade led by Bedford’s Finest – Image (c) JMcCT, 2018 all rights reserved


And there are more (LOTS MORE!) images to come; please keep checking back until a link appears instead of this sentence.


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