100 Years Ago This Week ~ Bedford News in the Concord Enterprise ~ September 11, 1918

September 14, 2018

Selected and transcribed by Dennis Ahern

Editor’s Note: The fifth in our Friday series examining the news about Bedford that was published in the Concord Enterprise 100 years ago this week; to contact the author, please email [email protected] This week’s article is especially poignant as the United States will observe the Centenary of Armistice Day, marking the end of World War I, on November 11, 2018

Roll of Honor of Bedford Boys in the U. S. Service

The Public Safety committee acting as a committee on permanent records earnestly requests any person noticing any error or omission in this list, kindly to notify George R. Blinn, chairman.

There will be a card catalogue later for all relatives and friends of our boys in the service, to consult, and it is hoped information will be sent of changes in address or appointments to different service.  A photograph is much desired for filing with each card.

  • Anthony, Stanley Thomas, Died in service.
  • Anthony, Vernon R., Co. E, 18th Engr. Ry. Regt., U. S. Army P. O. 705, Am. Exp. Forces*
  • Anthony, Lionel Reginald, coxswain, Expert gun pointer, U. S. S. Gregory
  • Bierenbroodspot, Andrew Cornelius Jr., Co. M, 302d Regt. Inf., Camp Devens
  • Butler, Thomas Stanley, private, Barracks 51, Medical corps, Fort Slocum, N. Y.
  • Canlett, Franklin Harwood, Bat. 5, F. A., Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.
  • Christianson, Hermann Emil, Troop D, 310th Cav., Fort Ethan Allen, Vt.
  • Crier, William J., 1st class cook, U. S. S. Utowana, c/o Postmaster, N. Y.
  • Davis, Frank Bellows, U. S. Receiving ship, Ellis Is., N. Y. c/o Y. M. C. A.
  • Davis, Howard Fairfield, Co. F. 312th Engineers, Camp Dix, N. J.
  • Day, Clifford L. Jr., corp., Co. I, 104th U. S. Inf., 26th Div., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Durkin, William J., pvt., U. S. Army Gen. Hospital 17, Markleton, Penn.
  • English, Michael L., Ardgay, Ross Shire, Scotland, Unit 5, Am. Forestry
  • Fanning, John S., Corp. Commonwealth armory, Allston, Mass.
  • Fletcher, Basil E., sergt., Q. M. C.** U. S. N. A., Motor Truck Co. 53, Camp Logan, Houston, Texas.
  • Ford, Milton C. 101 Engrs. Train, 26 Div., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Freeman, Benjamin Charles, Bat. B, 301st F. A., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Genetti, Nicolas, Infantry, Camp Devens
  • Goulding, Edward L., U. S. S. Finland, c/o Postmaster, N. Y.
  • Hamilton, William W., 149th Co., 5th Regt., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Hanson, N. Peter, Co. C., 37th Inf., Laredo, Texas
  • Hayden, William R., Brooklyn Navy Yard, N. Y.
  • Hayden, Arthur H., Annapolis, Md.
  • Hummingson, Gunnar, cook, Field Bakery Co. 304, U. S. Q. corp, Am. Exp. Forces
  • Hunnewell, Edward Amos, Honorably discharged
  • Hunt, Hugh I., pvt. Died of wounds
  • Isnor, Henry Clare, Naval Reserve Rifle Ranges, Wakefield, Reported Deaf from explosion of big gun.
  • Jackson, William, Sergt., Co. C, 326th Battalion, Tank corps, A. P. O. 714
  • Kelley, Francis Joseph, State College, Kingston, R. I.
  • Keay, David S., 2d Lieut., School of Mil. Aeronautics, M. I. T., Cambridge
  • Larsen, Henry Johan, Co. 3, Sec. 2, Regt. 4, Naval Tr. Camp, S. C., Aviator, France
  • Loomis, Hubert H., Battery A, 101st U. S. F. A., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Loomis, Ralph Lane, Ensign, Naval Aviator, c/o Morgan Harjes et Cle, Paris
  • Loomis, Samuel, 2d Lieut., Fort Strong
  • Loomis, William F., 1st Lieut., aviator, U. S. Army, France
  • Manning, Walter F., Naval Magazine, Marine Barracks, Hingham, Mass.
  • McDonald, Francis Colin, Fort Slocum, N. Y.
  • McMahan, Martin F., 1st class painter, U. S. R., Commonwealth Pier, Boston
  • McMahon, Philip Edward, Barracks 5, Naval Reserve, Hingham, Mass.
  • O’Dowd, Edward Joseph, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Ind.
  • O’Dowd, Philip Stephen, Am. Exp. Forces
  • Parker, Frederic, jr., Boston City Hospital, Med. Dept. Lab.
  • Parker, Henry McB., U. S. S. Alwyn, care Postmaster, New York.
  • Parker, John Stanley, U. S. S. Colhoun [sic], 11 Gloucester St., Boston
  • Parker, William A., 2d lieut., Co. D, 302d Regt., F. A., Camp Devens
  • Petersen, George H., Sergt., 4th Co., 101st Truck Supply Train, 26th div., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Pfeiffer, Albert, major, M. R. C., Field Hospital 29
  • Riese, J. Harold, jr., Co. R, 101 Mil. Police, 26 Div., H. Q. T., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Silverston, Nicolas, Charlestown Navy yard
  • Snyer, Everett, 12th Co., 153d D. B., Camp Dix, N. J.
  • Snyer, Peter, cook, Battery D., 13th Field Artillery, Am. Exp. Forces, [Char]lotte, N. C.
  • Sullivan, Frederick H., sergt., Co. D, 104th U. S. Inf., Am. E. F., wounded
  • Tackney, Stephen Evans, corp., Bat. E, 103d Regt. F. A., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Walsh, James J., corp. Co. A, 19th Inf, Fort Sam Houston, Tex.
  • Walsh, John Jr., corp, Bat. C, 76th F. A., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Wheelock, Arthur S., Y. M. C. A., Paris, France
  • Wilkins, William A., sergt. major, 401st Tel. Bat., S. C. N. A., Am. Exp. Forces
  • Willson, Harold E., machinists’ mate, U. S. S. Chester, care Postmaster, N. Y.
    * American Expeditionary Forces
    ** Quartermaster Corps
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