Ready. Aim. Discuss.

By Ginni Spencer, Member, Board of Directors, The Bedford Citizen

The Bedford Citizen
believes passionately in the importance of civic engagement.  Generally, we are reaching out to those of voting age by providing information to inform involvement and participation in local decision making.  Recently, not only here but nationally, we have been made aware of an emerging generation of voters and activists who wish to have their voices heard.  The tragic shooting of students at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida seems to have been a tipping point for the political involvement of many young people, including students in Bedford.

Several of them, on their own initiative, organized Bedford High School’s participation in the national student walk-out on March 14 organized by Women’s March Youth Empower. (The BHS demonstration took place on March 15 as schools were closed the day prior because of a snowstorm.)  In addition to calling for a gathering in the school lobby in which 17 minutes of silence were observed for the victims in Parkland, postcards to legislators and voter registration materials were also made available.  Organizers delivered the voter registration cards including pre-registration forms for those close to but not yet of voting age to the Town Clerk.

We found the behavior of all the students – representing various points of view –compelling and worthy of our support.  Many of us can recall specific events or elections that spurred our first civic participation as significant steps in our transition from youth to adulthood.  It was the recognition that our voices, our votes, our actions really did matter in the grand scheme of things…even if we did not prevail.

To that end, we have invited four students from Bedford High School and one from the John Glenn Middle School to report on actions and opinions among students related to the issues of gun regulation and gun violence, particularly in the schools.  As our readers are aware, The Citizen does not take a position on any issue or election and that policy has not changed.  We will encourage our student reporters to seek out a diversity of viewpoints.  We are responding to their desire to be involved and hope that you will read their articles over the next several weeks in that spirit.  Let’s lead by example and engage with them in this important conversation.  As always, your comments and opinions are welcomed by writing Letters to the Editor.

The Citizen will introduce the writers and their work over the next few weeks.  We welcome them as contributors and new – or almost new – voters.

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