Faces in the Crowd: Bedford Embraces Diversity’s 2nd Annual Community Breakfast to Honor MLK Day

MC Mike Rosenberg with former METCO director Irene Parker’s daughter, granddaughter, and great-grandson – Image (c) JMcCT, 2018 all rights reserved\

Compiled by The Bedford Citizen

Bedford Embraces Diversity celebrated its second Community Breakfast on Martin Luther King Day, 2018. Every seat was taken, and guests listened to Bedford’s METCO graduates, both out in the world after college and still in school.

Full coverage will appear later this week – Stay tuned!

Thanks to Akil Mondesir, breakfast guests were treated to presentations by METCO graduates from the 1990s and more recent grads who spoke about their experiences in Bedford

Every seat was occupied!

Recent Bedford High School METCO graduates

Faces in the Crowd

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Karin Baker
January 21, 2018 9:15 am

What a wonderful event! Thanks to all who organized it and thank for honoring such an amazing woman, Irene Parker.

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