Participating in Bedford’s Open Town Meeting: A Workshop for Residents

Special Town Meeting drew nearly a full house  – Image (c) JMcCT 2015 all rights reserved

Compiled by The Bedford Citizen

Town Meeting: A tradition since Bedford’s founding in 1729, open Town Meeting is the occasion where all of Bedford’s registered voters are invited to participate in making important decisions for the Town

If you’re never been to Town Meeting, if you are an occasional Town Meeting attendee, or if you never miss one  –- you might have questions about who, what, when, why, how, and “who cares” about Town Meeting.

The interactive workshop will take place at 10 am on Saturday, March 18 in the Fitch Room at Town Center, 12 Mudge Way.

Cathy Cordes, Bedford Town Meeting Moderator, and Betsey Anderson, Deputy Town Meeting Moderator, will provide a brief overview of WHY and HOW Town Meeting matters to you, and they will offer tips on participating.

There will be plenty of time for your questions during this informal, brief, yet informative look at democracy Bedford-style.

Click this link to read the PDF of the final warrant for this year’s Annual Town Meeting. Bedford’s 2017 Annual Town Meeting begins at 7 pm on Monday, March 27 in the Bedford High School auditorium.

If you arrive on time for the first session, you’ll be treated to the Bedford Minuteman Company’s posting the colors ceremony.



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kim siebert macphail
March 12, 2017 8:19 am

What a great idea and a terrific opportunity to learn about Town Meeting!

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