An Appreciation: Richard Bowen

January 26, 2017

Compiled by The Bedford Citizen

A memorial service for Richard Bowen will be held at 1 pm on Saturday, January 28  in the sanctuary of First Parish on Bedford Common, and the community is invited. To read a full obituary in The Bedford Citizen, please click this link

Richard Bowen resided in and served the Town of Bedford for nearly 50 years. Several of his colleagues shared their thoughts about his commitment and service:

Rick Reed, Bedford Town Manager

I have known Rich Bowen throughout the entire time that I have served as Bedford’s Town Administrator/Manager.  There are not many citizens who can match the consistent commitment of time and talent given by Rich to the Town of Bedford on behalf of its fellow citizens over nearly the last three decades.

In 1987-1988, Rich helped transition a formerly private non-profit youth counseling program known as “Sundance” to the Town’s Youth & Family Services Department.  Beginning in 1989, Rich served on the newly formed Youth & Family Services Advisory Committee until 1995.

He served on the Capital Expenditures Committee from 1993 through 1998 including a period as its Chair.  In the early 2000’s, Rich was instrumental in developing support for the replacement of the Town’s Public Works Department facility by assisting with the review of the design of the new facility and vetting the need and requirements for the improved facility.

And since the spring of 2010 until his recent passing, Rich has served as a dedicated member of the Finance Committee where he provided advice and counsel based on his professional background in business finances.  The Town government will miss very much his civic spirit and fine intellect.

Catherine Cordes, Town Moderator

I was a great admirer of Rich Bowen, his dedication to public service in Bedford was exemplary.

He was a quiet source for good financial planning and sound budgeting that benefitted all residents. He ably chaired the Department of Public Works Building Committee, and in the face of [initial] defeat at Town Meeting, he persevered. He knew there would be a solution because there had to be one, and he found it when others gave up.

I admired him and am saddened by his death. Bedford has lost a great citizen, and I have lost a good friend.

Mike Rosenberg, Chair of the Selectmen

I will always remember the last three hours spent with Rich Bowen — on November 8 in the hallway of John Glenn Middle School, waiting for Bedford election returns (specifically for state Rep. Ken Gordon) until after 11 o’clock.

We talked about all kinds of things — I always regarded Rich as a Renaissance man — and tried to avoid speculating on the outcome of the national election, which was becoming more evident on our cell phones as the hours passed. So there was no commiserating — just intelligent, insightful conversation about local and state affairs with a friend who personified civic involvement and civil discourse.

He will be missed.

Stephen Steele, Chair of the Finance Committee

Rich Bowen will be missed by members of the Finance Committee both past and present. His knowledge and experience in financial matters were second to none.

His passing will leave an everlasting void on the Finance Committee and in the Town. The committee will particularly miss the spirited discussions which always resulted in solutions in the town’s best interest.

Our deepest condolences go out to his family and friends.

Sue Baldauf, Bedford Youth and Family Services

Rich Bowen was an instrumental figure to me when I first began as Director of Bedford Youth & Family Services (BYFS) in 1997.  Rich shared th history of the Bedford Youth Study Committee set up by the Selectmen in 1975 to address  a growing drug problem and vandalism in the schools, the latter of which had cost the school around $45,000 at the time.  That committee recommended a community based program in June of 1976 or thereabouts and the ATM warrant of 1977 requested funds for such.  That program opened as a private non-profit with those Town funds and some state grant monies and eventually evolved into BYFS as the Town came to believe in their primary responsibility to provide for the welfare of all citizens, regardless of age – a tenet I believe holds true today and makes me proud.

I believe Rich’s philosophy and leadership helped form that commitment so I went to him when I first started to consult and seek his wisdom and guidance on the need for more adequate youth space.  At the time I started, BYFS had responsibility for a small space in the old Town Center building that was a reconverted boiler room with limited heat, and I quickly came to realize that space was too small and unattractive for the needs of Bedford youth.  Rich and I had many breakfasts and walking tours of the old ‘teen center’ especially prior to and during the first Space Needs Study Committee assessments of the needs for Town Center.  Rich provided wise counsel, perspective, budgetary guidance, and a sense of community history that was invaluable to me.  Later, as he moved to Finance Committee, I grew to respect his opinion in even larger matters and knew he could be counted on to represent the fiscal interests of all of us in a rational, practical manner.  He was a true public steward.  I will miss him tremendously.

State Senator Mike Barrett

I knew Rich as the quintessential Bedford engaged citizen — smart, informed, articulate, principled, dedicated.
A town flourishes by engaging its most talented residents in activities worthy of their valuable time.  The Town of Bedford and Rich Bowen were collaborators in each other’s success.


State Rep. Ken Gordon

Rich was smart.  He eschewed the sexy political topics of the day and grounded himself in detailed fiscal policy.

He paid particular attention to the management of the town’s OPEB liability.  OPEB means Other Post-Employment Benefits, and it is complicated.  But he broke down the issue in an understandable way.

He loved Bedford and its people and he knew that if he could address complicated fiscal issues in a fair way, he could make our lives better. And he did.

Betsey Anderson, former Town Moderator

I have known Rich Bowen for over 40 years as a friend, a colleague, my boss for several years and as an active member of the Bedford community.

With his strong background in finance, Rich served the Town of Bedford on many of its financial committees including the Capital Expenditure Committee and was a current member of the Finance Committee at the time of his death.  He enjoyed the thorough analysis and fact-finding required to make the best decisions for the Town especially as related to its finances.

Rich will be remembered for his work in successfully bringing the proposal for the renovation of the DPW building on the Great Road to Town Meeting.  The excellent facility we have today is due to his hard work on this project.

Rich was very active in the local Democratic Town Committee and was always a presence at the polls on election days.  He was an ardent alumnus of Princeton University and encouraged many young Bedford students to attend this institution.

He will be greatly missed by all who knew him and by his wife, Joan, and his family.

Richard Warrington, former Director of Public Works

It was with great sadness today that I learned of the passing of Rich Bowen.  As Director of Public Works, I had contact with Rich in the Department’s annual budget and capital projects program because of Rich’s involvement with the Finance Committee and the Capital Expenditure Committee.  We worked closely together over a period of more than 25 years.

It was a pleasure when he was assigned the DPW budget and we had an opportunity to work closely on critical Town needs.  Rich dedicated his time to understand the programs or projects and become an advocate for the best interests of the Town.
I was always amazed at his financial skills and his ability to “cut to the chase” so important projects could move along.

In particular, Rich committed hundreds of hours of his time guiding the process to locate and construct a new DPW facility.  With his efforts, we accomplished something not many thought was possible.

The DPW and the Town are certainly a better place because of Rich Bowen.

Alma and Brian Hart, former Chairs of the Bedford Democratic Town Committee

Rich Bowen was a gentleman who spoke softly and shared his wise experience with anyone who would ask.

He invested his time, talent and his own money in worthy projects for our community, including local and national office candidates.

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