Short Takes: Notes from the August 17 Meeting of the Selectmen

By Joan Bowen

SelectmenChanges to the Shawsheen River Flood Plain Maps
Adrienne St. John, Public Works Engineer, presented a revision of the FEMA maps of the Shawsheen River floodplain.  The Town appealed an earlier update.  (For background on this appeal, see .)  FEMA accepted the grounds of the appeal and reissued the maps.  Letters to owners of the impacted properties will be mailed shortly.

Trails Committee Charter
The Selectmen approved a revised charter for the Bedford Trail Committee.  The purpose of the committee is to promote a cohesive vision of the development and use of the Bedford trail system.   It will be responsible for planning, implementing, improving and maintaining public trails within Bedford Conservation Areas, other municipal lands, and private properties with permission from the landowner.

The revision removes the requirement for committee affiliation and makes it an independent committee that presents to the Conservation Commission but is not a sub-committee of that body.

Republican Registrar
James W. Martin was reappointed to a three-year term as a Republican Registrar to the Board of Registrars.   The purpose of this Board is to protect voters rights.  The Board includes two representatives of the two leading political parties.

Warrant for Special Town Meeting
There will be a Special Town Meeting on November 2.  The Selectmen will consider the warrant draft at their meeting on September 21.  The vote to finalize the warrant will be taken at the October 5 Selectmen’s meeting.

At the next meeting of the Selectmen, September 8
The agenda for the next meeting will include discussion of the report from the Ad hoc Bedford Historical Museum Committee, presentation of the Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plan, and an interview for an appointment to the Youth Services Committee.  Selectmen Fedele also indicated that there will be information from the Recreation Commission about fields, Springs Brook Park and capital items.

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