Additional Bedford Liquor Licenses: Eight is Enough or Too Many? Share Your Thoughts with the Selectmen

February 28, 2015

By Julie McCay Turner

SelectmenThe Selectmen invite community input about increasing the number of available all-liquor licenses at 8:15 pm during their Monday, March 2 meeting.

Selectman Chair Margot Fleischman said, “This won’t be a formal hearing, or forum on the topic of liquor licenses, but the Selectmen do want input from the community about additional all-liquor licenses, and whether this is the direction the town ought to go.”

Article 9 of the 2015 Annual Town Meeting Warrant calls for 8 licenses to be secured through a Home Rule petition to the Legislature. Read Article 9 – Home Rule Petition as written in the warrant.


At a recent Selectmen’s meeting, Bedford’s remaining all-liquor license was granted to Red Heat, a new restaurant hoping to build in the space next to Marshall’s as part of the Bedford Marketplace’s renovation. Other restaurants in Bedford that would also like to offer full liquor service, most notably Ken’s Deli (

Full-service liquor licenses in Massachusetts are apportioned by the Legislature, based on the number of residents in a municipality in the most recent census, and regulated by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (ABCC), an agency under the aegis of the State Treasurer and Receiver Deborah B. Goldberg.

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February 28, 2015 10:35 pm

New liquor licenses should be used to attract new restaurants to Bedford, not necessarily sold to existing establishments. Highest priority should be non-chain restaurants.

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